The biggest differentiator between Bullhorn and other products that Logan assessed was the sheer amount of time Bullhorn saves his team. Logan estimates that Bullhorn saves each Kaizen Resources employee at least two hours of work each day—or over 500 hours a year. “Bullhorn’s automatic data capture is great,” said Logan, “because having a candidate in the system with all notes and email conversations in one place is so convenient and accessible.” Among his favorite Bullhorn features is the tearsheet function, which makes it incredibly simple for Logan to organize candidates into lists for outreach. “I can create tearsheets while I’m on the phone with someone—it’s literally two clicks and I’m there,” Logan says. Similarly, Bullhorn’s pin functionality allows Logan to focus on the candidates that need to be followed up with each day, as opposed to manually inputting calendar reminders for each one. Additionally, creating a new role, Logan said, only takes seconds.