Customers - Bullhorn UK Applicant Tracking & Recruiting Software Fri, 31 May 2024 09:13:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customers - Bullhorn UK 32 32 enable recruitment Fri, 31 May 2024 09:00:36 +0000


A B corp certified recruitment agency, enable specialises in connecting top talent with people-first organisations in Sales, Finance, HR, Operations, Legal, and Insurance. Their mission is to redefine recruitment through innovation, integrity, and unparalleled client service.

Before switching to the Bullhorn Platform, including CRM, Automation, Analytics and SourceBreaker, enable had experienced a complicated journey with their previous vendor. We sat down with Oliver Howson, Co-Founder and Managing Director of enable, to learn why the team decided to partner with Bullhorn to transform their recruitment operations.

The Challenges

Our previous platform was clunky, overcomplicated and not at all user-friendly,’ said Oliver.

The poor customer service was a main concern for enable as they had to reach out to the support team multiple times with no reply. In the end, they had to chase down a customer success team member on LinkedIn in the hopes of getting a response. Despite being pitched as an all-in-one solution, the platform failed to meet enable’s expectations, leading to frustration and inefficiency within their recruitment workflows whilst locked into a contract.

The decision to transition to Bullhorn

Driven by the need for simplicity, efficiency, and good customer support, enable explored alternative CRM solutions. Bullhorn emerged as the frontrunner, offering intuitive functionality, streamlined workflows, and excellent customer service. Oliver shared that the consultants were all pushing for Bullhorn as many had used the CRM before and found it much more user-friendly. The promise of a seamless transition process made it an easy choice.

Our consultants wanted to use Bullhorn, and it was as simple as that. The switch from our previous platform to Bullhorn was straightforward, and our support throughout the process has been unparalleled compared to what the other service provider ever offered us’, said Oliver.

Our consultants wanted to use Bullhorn, and it was as simple as that. The switch from our previous platform to Bullhorn was straightforward, and our support throughout the process has been unparalleled compared to what the other service provider ever offered us.
Oliver Howson Managing Director

The Results

Since partnering with Bullhorn, enable has transformed its recruitment operations by prioritising user experience, efficiency, and customer support.

According to Oliver, the transition to Bullhorn was very smooth, with the implementation team providing excellent support. Despite initial concerns about data migration and integration with other tools, enable experienced minimal disruptions.

As a result of the transition, enable has experienced a significant improvement in operational efficiency and user satisfaction. Oliver said that the intuitive interface and simplified workflows have empowered recruiters to focus on core tasks like client engagement and candidate sourcing rather than grappling with cumbersome software.

Our employees who have used Bullhorn before have all said they had a much better experience with it as it’s much more simple, easy to use and set up. So from a managerial perspective, this is very positive!’ said Oliver.

As for the enable team’s reaction to the change? According to Oliver, Bullhorn’s user-centric approach and its role in driving productivity has been well-received across the organisation and they’re all looking forward to the full flow of being a Bullhorn user.

Read more about enable recruitment here:

IDR’s AI Journey Thu, 14 Mar 2024 08:00:18 +0000

Who is IDR?

Founded in 1998, IDR is an employee-owned staffing firm serving businesses and professionals across several industries, including IT, government, and professional services. In 2020, the team created IDR Healthcare, a sister company that focuses on travel nursing and allied healthcare. IDR has four field offices in Atlanta, Nashville, Dallas, and Denver.

Will Hayes has spent his entire career at IDR. Now, as Chief Operating Officer of IDR, Hayes oversees IDR’s sales and recruiting functions, as well as its IT infrastructure and digital footprint. We had a chance to sit down with Hayes and discuss IDR’s newest technology journey with Bullhorn Copilot.

Adopting Bullhorn Copilot

IDR has been a Bullhorn customer since 2010. In the fall of 2023, the team became interested in implementing artificial intelligence (AI) into their current workflows and decided to be part of the Bullhorn Copilot early access program. Copilot is a suite of AI capabilities that embed the power of AI directly into recruiter workflows across the recruitment process.

What drew Hayes to Copilot was that it was developed specifically for staffing. “Bullhorn designed Copilot from a recruiter’s perspective, who may or may not be familiar with technology,” said Hayes. “I think some technology companies don’t design their products with the user experience in mind. Bullhorn did a really good job of that.”

What was appealing to IDR about getting early access to Bullhorn Copilot? According to Hayes, the team knew that AI was going to be an essential part of their tech stack. They wanted to be able to provide feedback to Bullhorn’s product team, influence the development of Copilot capabilities, and get their recruiters practicing with it early. “I believe AI is here to stay in the staffing business,” said Hayes. “I think those investments will continue to happen, and getting my team comfortable using it in their everyday workflow is really key.”

I think Copilot has a simple implementation, especially compared to a lot of technologies that I’ve put in place. It just sits right in the system for you, and it’s pretty easy to get buy-in because you can see the positive impact really quickly.
Will Hayes Chief Operations Officer, IDR


Centralized tech stack – When considering using AI, the IDR team wanted to make sure it would integrate with their current tech stack. Hayes has been working towards a centralized tech stack since 2015. Back then, Hayes recognized that IDR used several disparate systems that weren’t talking to each other, and he was determined to create a single source of information. Since then, his team has adopted Bullhorn One and the Bullhorn Talent Platform. When the IDR team decided to implement AI, they knew that Bullhorn Copilot would be the right choice, embedded right within their recruiters’ current interface.

“Our team was already in Bullhorn. So, Copilot is something that we can turn on, put a card on the dashboard, and start using with honestly very little training from day one,” said Hayes. “Having a product that sits right into our current system was an immediate benefit that I saw with Copilot.

Faster time to productivity – IDR invests in hiring a lot of entry-level employees. According to Hayes, these new recruiters are hired because they are great at relationship building and are naturals at running quality conversations with candidates and clients. However, when they start their new role, there is a learning curve jumping into IDR’s tech stack and workflows, such as creating candidate summaries and matching candidates to the right positions. “AI has done a good job of giving us more access to better training and taking away some of those areas that are tougher for newer recruiters to conceptualize, like Boolean strings or putting together candidate summaries,” said Hayes.

The faster new hires are trained, the faster they can start placing candidates and winning jobs over competitors. “Speed is everything, especially if customers are working with multiple staffing partners,” said Hayes. While tasks like searching for quality candidates and writing summaries for a candidate have historically been considered more of an “art form,” Hayes believes that Copilot presents an opportunity to disrupt the industry and speed up these critical but previously time-consuming tasks.

With Copilot, IDR can accelerate their training process and shorten the time it takes for a new recruiter to become productive. “I can definitely tell a noticeable change in the amount of time my trainers are investing in some of these functions early on, and the amount of time it takes a new recruiter to adapt some of these skills,” said Hayes.

Increased efficiency – In addition to faster time to productivity, Copilot has given IDR’s recruiters the opportunity to focus on their most impactful tasks, increasing their overall efficiency. “Unlike other technologies, Copilot doesn’t drastically change your workflow,” said Hayes. “If anything, it speeds up your workflow so your recruiters can spend their time on the areas you want them to focus on, which is spending more quality time with their candidates and clients.”

With features like Copilot’s candidate summary capability, the team doesn’t need to spend as much time on the front end of candidate research. “The summary feature wraps candidate information into a bulleted format for our recruiters, so they can easily use the information when marketing candidates to clients,” said Hayes. It saves them time from having to research a bunch of stuff to create summarizations of these 20-page resumes in five bullets. So, there’s been a big benefit to that as well.”

Ultimately, IDR is not looking for AI to replace the job of their recruiters. Instead, the organization wants to use AI to make their recruiters’ lives easier. “With Copilot, they have their own assistant sitting at their desk with them every day,” said Hayes. “Normally, when staffing firms need to format a candidate’s resume, the recruiter either needs to do it themselves or source it to someone else. Now, with Copilot, our recruiters can do it with the click of a button, while still having control over it and making edits as needed.”

With Copilot, our recruiters have their own assistant sitting at their desk with them every day.
Will Hayes Chief Operating Officer, IDR

Change Management

For any piece of staffing technology to be implemented successfully and reach widespread adoption, there needs to be buy-in across the team. According to Hayes, getting his team engaged on the front end of an implementation isn’t the issue. Instead, he wanted to prevent his team from making too-quick assumptions about the technology’s functionality during the implementation process. “Some staffing organizations that hire experienced recruiters have a harder time with engagement at the front end. Having a younger audience of staff is easy for me because they want to try new things and are fairly savvy with technology. The problem with the younger staff is if it’s not working, they’re very quick to just move away from it,” said Hayes.

The solution? At IDR, they focus on training and feedback loops to ensure team members have a voice in the implementation and that their needs are being met at every step of the process. “Keeping an open line of communication with the people using the software is really important,” said Hayes. “Creating true early adopters is all about preventing folks from moving away from new systems due to inadequate training or lack of incentives.” Hayes believes that it is important to get employees involved with Copilot at the earliest stages of implementation in order to get them excited about the technology and the benefits it will bring to their workflow.

Forward Together

According to Hayes, another key to successful change management is making sure you’re leveraging the partnerships with your vendors to both receive training tools and provide helpful feedback. A technology provider who believes in partnerships is key. When it comes to Bullhorn and the Copilot early access program, IDR leans into the strong relationship they have built with their account owner, Kayla Clayton.

The team trusts that Kayla will actively listen to their feedback and get answers to all of their questions. “You can speak to industry peers about how to change a workflow or put a new process in place, but having experts to do that is very valuable,” said Hayes. “And I know that a lot of that starts with Kayla taking the time with us on a consistent basis to get that feedback and then actually know where to go within the organization to drive that feedback and take action.” IDR’s relationship with Kayla and the Bullhorn team has helped them navigate their implementation of Copilot, and they will continue to partner throughout their journey with AI.

Kayla [National Account Manager] does a really phenomenal job of listening, and she does a really good job at the follow up and driving teams around her to get the information needed.
Will Hayes Chief Operating Officer, IDR
Henderson Scott Wed, 13 Sep 2023 13:31:18 +0000


Founded in 1999, Henderson Scott is a staffing agency that specialises in placing digital, technology, and commercial professionals globally. They serve candidates and clients in the UK, Europe, USA and APAC. Henderson Scott has been operating on the Bullhorn platform for nine years. In 2021, they determined that they wanted to use automation to scale their business processes.


Before using Bullhorn Automation, Henderson Scott struggled to have consistent performance across their team. According to Richard Caldicott, IT Director at Henderson Scott, “I think consistency was what we struggled with prior to automation. We’ve got excellent consultants here that do everything by the book. But, we also had consultants that were very good at their job, but didn’t log their data into the system in the way we hoped they would.” Henderson Scott wanted to automate their communications in a way that would create a consistent experience across their consultant team. That way, no matter who a candidate or client worked with, they would receive the same, exceptional experience.

In addition to consistency across the business, the Henderson Scott team was looking to become more efficient. They wanted a way to offload their consultants’ administrative tasks in order to give them more time to build relationships with candidates and clients. Ultimately, they knew that the less time consultants spent on administrative activities, the more time they could spend bringing in revenue for the business.

The solution

In 2021, Henderson Scott decided to add Bullhorn Automation to their tech stack. While Henderson Scott’s consultants were already used to the Bullhorn platform, their team wasn’t sure what they would think of using automation. “We decided to take the transition slowly, because change can be scary for recruiters,” said Victoria Ellis, Client Director, Henderson Scott. “However, this has all been about making their lives easier. We wanted to remove the administrative tasks that they hate, and enable them to spend more time doing the things they enjoy.” According to Ellis, the idea of removing admin work got the consultants excited to work with Bullhorn Automation.

I don't see automation as replacing the role of a recruitment consultant. It's freeing them up to sell while using automation to prompt the consultant to communicate with the candidates and clients. So, I don't ever want to use automation to replace that relationship building.
Victoria Ellis Client Director, Henderson Scott

The results

As a result of using Bullhorn Automation, Henderson Scott has seen consistent performance across the team, enhanced data cleansing, and improved efficiency.

Consistent consultant performance – By using Bullhorn Automation, Henderson Scott can be confident that their candidates and clients are receiving a consistent experience across all of their consultants. They have put automations in place to ensure everyone is checking off the boxes with their candidates, and tying up any loose ends. “It only takes one candidate or client to leave a poor review on Linkedin to undermine 24 years of brand building that we’ve done,” said Ellis. “So for us, closing the loop for every candidate that we interact with is so so important to us. We’ve automated that process in a number of areas, but we also put in things that the consultants have to mark as complete. Working together with Bullhorn Automation is creating a better experience.” These automations have ensured there are consistent messages across the Henderson Scott brand, and their consultants are providing a great experience for every single candidate.

Enhanced data cleansing – Henderson Scott has used Bullhorn Automation to ensure their database is updated. This is particularly helpful when asking for sensitive information. “We built automations in order to catch information and bring it into our Bullhorn database,” said Ellis. “Some of the information we need is not normally on a CV, and our consultants might not feel comfortable asking the necessary questions. We are able to put those questions in the automated form, and it has been well-received.”

One example of a successful data cleansing campaign was Henderson Scott’s 2022 Christmas e-card campaign. In December 2022, Henderson Scott decided to use Bullhorn Automation to send out their Christmas card, while capturing updated candidate and client information. They asked everyone to update their CV or indicate if they were hiring in Q1. If someone indicated they were hiring, the consultant would reach out to see if they could assist. “Upon returning in January, our consultants immediately had conversations with clients that were hiring, right when they walked in the door after the holiday. I mean, you can’t knock it,” said Caldicott. The team sent out e-cards to over 5,500 candidates. They were expecting to get a handful of responses, but received hundreds of updated candidate CVs, for five months after the email was sent.

Improved efficiency – Bullhorn Automation has freed up time for Henderson Scott’s consultants to focus on relationship building and remaining GDPR compliant. “We use a lot of our automations to reduce the consultant workload, and take some of those more repetitive tasks out to make them more efficient,” said Caldicott. “Then our team can focus on selling and ensuring that our systems and our processes are as compliant as they can be.”

The Henderson Scott team has particularly noticed how efficient their team has become when they get reactions from new consultants. They enjoy showing new teammates what they are able to offload through automation. “That’s when we really get the feedback because all of our new hires say ‘I had to spend all of my Friday afternoons doing admin tasks, and that would take me away from picking up the phone and selling.’ Whereas, we get to say ‘You won’t need to do that here. We want to just focus on picking up the phone and making money. That is all.” Interactions like this demonstrate how much more efficient Henderson Scott has become with Bullhorn Automation.

Increased visibility through Bullhorn Analytics – In May of 2023, Henderson Scott removed their previous analytics software. They needed to find a new solution, and they needed it implemented very quickly. Because of their success with the Bullhorn platform and Bullhorn Automation, they decided to go with Bullhorn Analytics. “I think you can be blinded by too much data, too much information all the time,” said Caldicott. “People are so used to having huge dashboards with 100 different reports and a million different metrics. But, the implementation of Bullhorn Analytics allowed us to take a step back, assess our data, and decide on the most important things that we need to focus on. Now, we have better control of our pipeline.” With Bullhorn Analytics, Henderson Scott’s consultants can see where their biggest gaps are, so they know where to prioritize their time in order to make an impact.

However, Henderson Scott’s consultants aren’t the only ones who find this data helpful. Their leadership team uses the information to make better informed business decisions. According to Ellis, “Our managers and leadership team love looking at data from Bullhorn Analytics. They use it to understand where there might be a breakdown in our processes. They also use it to quantify what success looks like, instead of going on pure gut feeling.” Data is power. With information from Bullhorn Analytics, the leadership team can make strategic decisions in order to power their business forward

If it’s not in Bullhorn, it didn’t happen.
Victoria Ellis Client Director, Henderson Scott

The future

Looking forward, Henderson Scott plans to sync their website with Bullhorn Automation to track where candidates and clients are visiting. “We want to track where our visitors are clicking on the website, and ensure that information feeds back into our system,” said Caldicott. “Then, we want to set up automations to inform our consultants when someone visits a job on our website, and prompt them to pick up the phone to call and connect with that potential candidate. That’s what I’d really like to use this product for in the future.”

We are well integrated in the Bullhorn ecosystem at the moment, and I have no doubt that we will continue to invest going forward. We partner with companies and people that we trust and we get on well with. I think that speaks volumes about Bullhorn.
Richard Caldicott IT Director, Henderson Scott
Ascent International Group Thu, 23 Mar 2023 19:41:43 +0000

The challenge

Ascent had been a Bullhorn customer since 2019 and was already working on optimizing their use of Bullhorn’s platform. In addition, the company’s leadership team knew they wanted to find a more efficient, technology-driven approach to the recruitment process. They realized that compliance and other administrative tasks, while essential for the business, took too much time away from consultants’ skill sets.

“We wondered if we could do more to add value to our recruiting technology,” said Shayne Simpson, Ascent’s Managing Director. One of the biggest selling points of Bullhorn Automation was the ability to automate and remove previously time-consuming manual tasks while increasing the team’s efficiency.

The solution

When the pandemic started, Ascent saw over 90 percent of their jobs vanish. “We furloughed our consultants with no idea when they would come back,” Simpson said.

Even though many businesses were not making investments during that time, Simpson took the opportunity to implement Bullhorn Automation. “Automation was exactly what our group needed,” Simpson said. “It gave us a way to do more with less while nurturing personal connections, which is what sets us apart from larger firms.”

Key results

  • 85% of placements secured from the Bullhorn database
  • Automated almost 1 million actions 
  • 89% higher placement rate for candidates engaged in automation
  • Reduced time-to-fill permanent positions by an average of 10 days
  • Saved 15 hours of consultant time per week

Bullhorn Automation helps consultants maximize time while building meaningful talent relationships

Using Bullhorn Automation, Ascent has saved 15 hours of consultant time per week, which translated into hundreds of hours per month. At the same time, the firm strengthened sales and spent more time nurturing relationships with candidates and clients. 

“We automated almost everything, from posting jobs from Bullhorn to our website, the applications process, and the journey to developing a shortlist of candidates,” said Simpson. “At the last stage of the process, our consultants personally reach out to qualify and submit candidates to our clients. The value we add is that human touch.”

Simpson said that automation has “completely transformed” their recruiting process. “Everything we’ve done with Bullhorn’s Automation tool has been to allow people more time to focus on the quality of their sales process, the quality of their conversations with candidates, and enhancing compliance. We’re adding to our sales figures, too. That’s because our consultants have time to headhunt rather than just sending emails,” Simpson said.

Automation has helped candidates feel they are top-of-mind throughout the recruiting process. “Bullhorn Automation triggers emails and text messages based on a candidate’s status updates,” Simpson said. “For example, we can send a text at 7:00 a.m. on the day of an interview to say, ‘Good luck today. Don’t forget to call me.’ Candidates love that.” Simpson points out that the automated messages also serve as a helpful reminder and a buffer in case the candidate needs to reschedule.

Automation enables consultants to work more effectively

Bullhorn Automation helps the Ascent team maintain consistency to a high standard across the firm’s communications, as well as keeping controls in place that support compliance. At the same time, there is enough flexibility to allow room for consultants to be creative.

Ascent saved so much time with Bullhorn’s automation solution that the firm went to a four-day workweek in July 2021. “People burn out in recruitment because the hours are so long,” Simpson said. But Simpson estimates that Automation saves each consultant about three hours of administrative work each day. That adds up to almost two extra days’ worth of time per week. This helps consultants enjoy a more balanced workweek and more control over their time.

Building in multiple, automated touchpoints with candidates at every stage of the recruitment process is an important part of Ascent’s strategy to be a trusted leader and advisor to clients. “Our candidates offer meaningful market intelligence throughout our engagement,” Simpson said. “Knowing what’s going on in their world when they’re applying for jobs helps us to work with our clients to ensure they secure top talent.” 

Bullhorn Automation fuels Ascent’s growth

Ascent uses Automation to routinely collect a net promoter score (NPS) from each candidate at the conclusion of each engagement. “There’s a lapse of about 40 days between the initial engagement and when the candidate is placed,” Simpson said. 

By using automated communication to stay in touch, Ascent has received significantly more five-star reviews and higher NPS scores. Not only does that reflect the exceptional quality of their services, it also serves a longer-term purpose. “Satisfied candidates eventually become clients,” Simpson said. 

Automation has helped attract talent to the firm. Recruiters have expressed appreciation for Ascent’s automated systems, especially how Ascent favorably compares to firms that require recruiters to manually handle their communication and placement process.

Simpson said, “We’ve attracted lots of people to join the business based on our automation and the way our technology ecosystem works together.” 

Bullhorn supports an exceptional talent experience

Ascent has started to leverage Bullhorn’s Connected Recruiting strategy. Designed to deliver an exceptional talent experience, Connected Recruiting helps firms engage candidates at every stage of the recruiting cycle.

“The thing that sets us apart is our database,” Simpson said. Ascent has successfully optimized the use of Bullhorn’s platform to surface the right candidates for the right positions. In fact, they make 85 percent of their placements with candidates already in their network. With automated, regular updates, their talent pool is always current and actionable. 

Simpson and his team appreciate how easy it is to add applications to Bullhorn’s platform when they want specific functionality. “We find an app in the Bullhorn Marketplace, switch it on, and it’s running the next day. I don’t think you can get that kind of plug-and-play responsiveness anywhere else,” Simpson said.

Navigating uncertain times with Bullhorn

Bullhorn’s solutions will help Ascent navigate through challenging economic times ahead. Simpson said, “Automated communication to time zones all over the world saves our consultants from having to be up at all hours, or working long days, to cultivate relationships with global customers.”

Even in a market where it is difficult to attract talent because of candidate shortages, “we’re going to be successful because we’ve got a robust CRM and we’ve learned to use it well,” Simpson said.

For companies looking to secure a future in successful recruiting, Simpson believes that automation is the key. “I don’t like to use the phrase ‘no-brainer,’ but companies of every size can add so much value to their services by implementing Bullhorn tools like Automation.”

With Bullhorn, we’re constantly improving because we’re measuring our results and impact. That means people have a better experience with us.
Shayne Simpson Managing Director at Ascent International Group
Heat Recruitment Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:31:18 +0000


Heat Recruitment was established in 2005. Starting as a small operation, the company’s growth led them to move and set up a headquarters in Central Bristol. They specialise in various markets, including legal, insurance, financial services, digital and tech and sales.

Heat Recruitment has been operating on the Bullhorn platform for eight years. In 2018, they were looking at options for scaling their business, and determined Bullhorn Automation and Bullhorn Analytics was a path to streamlining their business processes. The company adopted technology as a catalyst for innovation and growth, driving improvements across its various functions.


Client and candidate experience was of utmost priority, with Heat Recruitment focused on making long-term partnerships with a goal of understanding their clients better. The longer we work with the client, the better we understand them, their values, their culture and what they’re looking for,” says Marcus Granville, Operations Director at Heat Recruitment. Clients wanted regular updates on their contracts, necessitating proactive tracking of contract end dates. The agency sought to leverage automation and data-driven marketing to provide a more personalised experience and, in turn, establish a stronger foothold in the market.

Additionally, using external tools meant consultants had a disconnect with their communications where they had to use several systems and consolidate data, Heat Recruitment recognised the value of equipping its consultants with a single essential tool, enabling them to support the candidate using live marketing results. They aimed to provide comprehensive training and support to their recruitment team for more effective tool usage, enhance their services, improve client and candidate experiences, and ensure contract retention.

The solution

Heat Recruitment identified Bullhorn Automation as the solution they wanted to adopt to ensure that contract timelines and communications were closely monitored, while avoiding any oversight. The agency invested in training its consultants to ensure they could use the available tools effectively. This training was crucial in making the most of the advanced technology and achieving a seamless workflow. After connecting both the marketing and sales teams, monthly meetings between associate directors of each team enabled real-time data sharing and discussions about market trends and demands. This approach facilitated the swift response to market changes and effective content creation for various sectors.

Client and candidate experience: Heat Recruitment’s adoption of Bullhorn Automation and Bullhorn Analytics allowed them to provide a personalised and tailored experience for both clients and candidates. They use real-time data to understand their needs and preferences, ensuring the right messages reach candidates and clients at the right time, “relevant to their industry, their skill set, and down to their geography” adds Marcus Granville, Technical Operations Director at Heat Recruitment

Segmentation: Bullhorn Automation helps Heat Recruitment segment their client and candidate base effectively, ensuring relevant information is delivered to the right people based on their industry, skills, and location. “The level of segmentation detail we get now means that we know people are getting our message thats personal to them,” says Marcus. As a result, Heat Recruitment experienced a 60% increase in website traffic and a 20% rise in email automation traffic. The agency’s strategic marketing campaigns contributed to significant growth. The salary survey initiative led to new client acquisitions and expanded business opportunities.

Real-time visibility: “Bullhorn Analytics has allowed real-time visibility into what’s happening, helping us to make strategic decisions,” says Marcus, being able to identify areas of concern, and capitalise on trends to drive performance and consistency has enabled Heat Recruitment to act swiftly on any potential areas of concern.

Contract Retention and Redeployment: Bullhorn Automation supports Heat Recruitment’s consultants in managing contract retention and redeployment. It enables the proactive coaching and support of contract workers in their final months to explore all available options, improving retention rates.

Improved Data Management: Bullhorn Automation aids in data management and notifications, reducing administrative work and helping consultants focus on building relationships with clients and candidates.

Year on year we're up 60% in terms of traffic to our website, and traffic from email and automation is one of the top two kinds of sources. I think that once again it just comes down to the fact that people are seeing the right stuff at the right time.
Marcus Granville Operations Director, Heat Recruitment

The results

Heat Recruitment’s proactive approach to technology adoption has enabled them to support their consultants to focus on what they do best. They deployed data-driven analytics to track contract end dates and monitor key metrics. Automation was used to generate visual alerts and notifications to ensure that no critical dates were overlooked, providing clients with timely updates enabling Heat Recruitment to increase client value by 10% each year since 2016 and an impressive 30% in 2021, and 20% in 2022! Automated contract tracking improved the efficiency of operations, ensuring clients received weekly check-ins, updates, and experiences. The risk of missing contract milestones was mitigated, bolstering client satisfaction.

By closely tracking user interactions with the website, Heat Recruitment implemented targeted marketing campaigns. When users viewed specific pages or showed particular interests, the agency leveraged automation to launch campaigns tailored to their needs, enhancing client engagement.


Heat Recruitment demonstrates how a proactive approach to technology adoption, along with their adoption of Bullhorn Automation and Bullhorn Analytics, can lead to substantial benefits in the highly competitive recruitment sector. Their focus on delivering a personalised experience to clients and candidates, along with their commitment to building long-term relationships, sets them apart in the industry. Bullhorn Automation and Bullhorn Analytics have played a pivotal role in their success by driving efficiency, improving visibility, and supporting contract retention. As Heat Recruitment continues to expand and diversify, their innovative approach to technology will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone of their operations.

The team can certainly spend more time building relationships now than they ever could before.
Marcus Granville Technical Operations Director, Heat Recruitment
IDEX Consulting Wed, 14 Dec 2022 15:04:36 +0000


Founded in 2006, IDEX Consulting is an independent Recruitment and Business Growth Consultancy that services the Insurance, Financial Services, and Legal sectors across the UK, Europe, USA & Middle East. Their unique model combines talent acquisition, advisory services, and M&A. According to Richard Martin, Head of Group Operations at IDEX Consulting, “We have always taken pride in being different from the majority of recruiters. Even when we set up originally, we were deliberately different in how we wanted to operate, by putting the needs of our clients and candidates first, we were able to grow significantly while developing innovative solutions to provide a better service to our clients.” It’s this mentality that drove IDEX to transition from a contingent recruiting model to a more innovative version of the retained recruiting model.

The Challenges

Justifying a Retained Recruitment Model to Consultants and Clients

IDEX Consulting is a service-driven business that is focused on providing the best quality resources for their clients. Their philosophy is that they can make a bigger impact by connecting their clients with a shorter list of nurtured, high-quality candidates that are not active in the market, rather than a long list of CVs that they picked off of job boards. “Making a move into a more retained-focused business was quite a logical step for us, because we knew it would allow us to provide this more tailored service to our clients,” said Martin. The COVID-19 pandemic only heightened this mentality, as IDEX Consulting wanted to stand apart from their peers.

IDEX Consulting saw the benefits a retained model would provide their clients, as it would allow them to target a thoroughly vetted list of candidates for each role. However, they knew that they would be faced with some pushback. “Within recruitment, the payment model is outdated, clients have always been opposed to the idea of paying up front because the standard process is that you don’t get paid until you finish a job,” said Martin. “So, lots of our clients were quite resistant to changing the payment model.”

Yet, the biggest challenge IDEX Consulting faced was convincing their own consultants that they would have success pitching the retained model to clients. They needed data to prove the value of a retained business model to their clients and internal consultants. They wanted to show that the new model could save their consultants time & increase billings, while having a positive impact on their clients’ businesses.

How Bullhorn Supported the Transition to a Retained Model

Bullhorn has enabled IDEX Consulting to make the strategic shift from a predominantly contingent business to a predominantly retained model. They have utilised Bullhorn Analytics (formerly Cube19) and Bullhorn Automation (formerly Herefish) to demonstrate the benefits of using a retained model while convincing their consultants to focus their efforts in places that they would have the biggest impact.

Bullhorn Analytics Helps Consultants Focus on Revenue-Generating Activities

IDEX Consulting relies on the data from Bullhorn Analytics when justifying the retained recruiting model to clients. They are able to prove that the new model will allow them to fill open roles quicker, with fewer candidates. According to Martin, the team uncovered that if a client advertises an open role with a contingent model, they will receive ten to twelve CVs. These candidates are all active in the market, applying through job boards, and may not be a good fit for the role. However, when a consultant works through a retained model, they are able to spend their time filling less roles with more qualified candidates. So, clients working through this will receive an average of three CVs, and every candidate is a strong fit. “With Bullhorn Analytics, we can show clients that the CV to interview ratio and the interview to placement ratio are much, much better with a retained assignment,” said Martin.

Bullhorn Analytics also made it easier for IDEX Consulting to convince their own consultants to get onboard with the retained model. Martin said that their Head of Business Intelligence was able to sit down with each individual consultant and show them customised information such as the type of candidates that they are working with, their average fees, individual billings, and the amount of time it took for them to fill a role. By doing this, they were able to show their consultants that they were spending 80% of their time on non-revenue generating activities. “By focusing on that irrefutable data, we could show each consultant what they needed to focus 100% of their time on. Now they could spend all of their time focusing on the 20% of the job titles that were actually generating revenue,” said Martin. With this change, IDEX Consulting’s team is able to focus on the job titles that are making the most impact.

According to Martin, this shift resulted in a staggering increase in productivity. “The results speak for themselves. On average, contingent recruiting roles see an average of 10% to 15% job fill rates. With our retained model, we’re seeing consultants that have 80% to 90% job fill rates. We even have some consultants that had a 100% job fill rate last year!”

Bullhorn Automation Allows IDEX Consulting to Customise a Talent Pool for Each Client

Bullhorn Automation has also helped IDEX Consulting grow their Business Growth Consultancy and retained recruiting model by effectively nurturing candidates. If a client has a large number of roles that they need filled, the IDEX Consulting team needs to use automation to get the job done.

“With our retained clients, we use automation to identify the right candidates and nurture them over weeks, months, or years until that candidate is ready for a move. At that point, they’re exclusive to that particular client, so we will use client-specific nurturing,” said Martin. “The client isn’t just going to get two CVs a week for the next three years. Instead, they are getting a ready-made, nurtured talent pool specifically for their business.” By using automation to nurture and tailor individual talent pools for their clients, IDEX Consulting is able to offer a service that is more customised than a typical recruiting model.

Being able to use data is invaluable when it comes to convincing clients to use our retained model. Once you turn to a client and tell them that we can give them a better result, faster, with less impact on their time, for the same amount of money, suddenly it becomes a no brainer for them to say yes.
Richard Martin Head of Group Operations at IDEX Consulting


IDEX Consulting Added 3 Million Pounds Worth of Value to a Client’s Business

Since moving to a primarily retained recruiting model, IDEX Consulting has been able to provide an exceptional client experience. In one particular case, the IDEX Consulting team filled a single sales role for their client that made a significant impact. Two years after placing the candidate, the client decided to sell their organisation. It was then that they realised that the candidate they hired through IDEX Consulting’s retained business model had been so successful that they added 3 million pounds worth of value to the business. “It’s not just the profit they earn, but it’s what value that candidate and our service adds to the client further down the line as well,” said Martin.

In addition to making a positive impact on their clients, IDEX Consulting’s new retained model has enhanced the performance of their own consultants. With this model, the consultants went from having recruitment conversations with their clients to being viewed as a partner in that client’s future.  “They can go in and talk about the client’s growth aspirations and their business plan,” said Martin. “They are really able to make an impact on their clients’ futures, and this makes them enjoy their jobs more. Because they enjoy their jobs more, they perform better. Because they perform better, they earn more.”

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Bullhorn Analytics has forged the business we are now. If I was a blacksmith making a sword, the data would be like the hammer I would need to forge that sword. Without it, it's not going to work.
Richard Martin Head of Group Operations at IDEX Consulting
Ethan Allen Workforce Solutions Thu, 01 Dec 2022 14:11:13 +0000


The first phase of the Connected Recruiting lifecycle is “Attracting” talent. During this phase, it’s crucial to efficiently pull talent in through job boards and follow up immediately to ensure they don’t slip through the cracks. The goal is to get more out of your job board spend, increase efficiency, and improve the candidate experience from the start.

The first phase of the Connected Recruiting life cycle is “Attract.” During this phase, it’s crucial to efficiently pull talent in through job boards and follow up immediately to ensure they don’t slip through the cracks. The goal is to get more out of your job board spend, increase efficiency, and improve the candidate experience from the start.

Attracting candidates through AI Job and Auto Matching: Ethan Allen is currently launching AI Job and Auto Matching. By using AI and machine learning, Bullhorn can intelligently match candidates with current job openings from Ethan Allen’s ATS for use in any outbound communication. This helps engage candidates with relevant jobs and provides recruiters with matches without conducting a manual reach in ATS.

With AI Job Matching, Ethan Allen will be able to match candidates to potential jobs based on the personal information hosted within Bullhorn, such as their job title, location, skills, and industries. An automated campaign will be triggered for candidates, indicating the jobs that may be of interest to them. With Auto Matching, when a new job enters Ethan Allen’s database, an automation will be triggered to notify recruiters of candidates that match the job’s criteria. By adding these tools, Ethan Allen hopes to cut down their team’s manual work so they can focus on building relationships with their candidates and clients.

“We are setting up AI Job and Auto Matching so there will be even less manual work for us to do. Instead of setting up individual automations that alert candidates of jobs they might be a match for, the system will trigger the automations for us. I think it will be even more of a time saver for our recruiters,” said Domenico.

We’ve learned that the majority of the people you’ll work with are already in your database. So, we want to utilize automation to make sure that those candidates are notified of the jobs that they’re a fit for. Because of this, semantic matching will be huge for us.
Kelsey Anderson Director of Employee Experience at Ethan Allen Workforce Solutions


The next stage in the Connected Recruiting life cycle is “Engage.” In this phase, recruitment agencies should work to engage the talent that is already in their database, as well as new candidates, with the right message, at the right time, for the right opportunities. The goal is to increase the conversion of your existing talent pool to ultimately save time and lower the cost of talent acquisition.

Cleaning data to effectively communicate with talent: For Ethan Allen, the first step to effectively engaging with their talent was cleaning their data. Without accurate, up-to-date candidate information, they knew it would be impossible to systematically engage with their talent. So, the team partnered with Barclay Jones to evaluate the status of their data and get it cleaned up.

“We didn’t even realize how bad our data was until they pointed it out,” said Domenico. “For example, when we were starting to look into Semantic job matching, we realized that candidates weren’t required to fill out two of the fields on our job requisition forms. They were listed as optional, but having that candidate information is imperative to making the whole process work. So, Barclay Jones showed us three different automations and we got those up and running immediately.” Now, if one of Ethan Allen’s recruiters forgets to fill out a field when screening a candidate, they get an automated notification to go back and code it properly. Having up-to-date  information enables the team to accurately identify what candidates are a good match for open roles.

Contacting available candidates with relevant roles: Ethan Allen has also set up regular automations to engage with their available candidates, and help them get placed. “We’ll send our available candidates a survey every 30 days asking questions that will give us a better chance of getting them placed. We ask if they’re still looking for work or to make sure we have their most up-to-date resume on file,” said Anderson. “We want to make sure that everything is updated for them, so we’re only contacting them with roles that could be a potential fit.” By using these engagement automations, Ethan Allen went from engaging with 33% more contacts in a 30-day period.



The next stage in the Connected Recruiting life cycle is “Onboard.” By properly onboarding candidates, you can create a seamless and positive experience for them in the lead-up to the first day of a job, through the first few weeks. By engaging candidates frequently before their new role and beyond, you have the opportunity to reduce the rate of no-shows and improve the overall client and candidate experience.

Streamlining onboarding with Onboarding365: Ethan Allen currently uses Onboarding365 to onboard their candidates. “Before Covid, our process was quite a bit longer. We had everyone come into the office to fill out paperwork. Since switching to Bullhorn, we’ve streamlined our process,” said Anderson. With Onboarding365, Ethan Allen waits until they know they are going to move forward with a candidate before asking them for the necessary information and forms that they’re going to need.

The team starts by getting basic information from each candidate, such as their name, phone number, email address, and what type of work they’re looking for. That’s when automation comes in. “Once we have their basic information, we send them mobile-friendly paperwork to fill out. The automation is triggered based on the candidate status of ‘initiated’ or ‘in progress.’ Then, we use automations to follow up with the candidates until they fill out the paperwork. To make onboarding successful, we try to make it as easy as we can for them,” said Anderson.

Partnering automation with the human touch: While Ethan Allen uses automations to alleviate some of their recruiters’ manual work during the onboarding process, they know that nothing can fully replace the value of the human touch. According to Anderson, the onboarding automations free up time for their recruiters to manually do their candidates’ interview prep. “The interview preparations are still done manually because it’s nice to have that personal connection between the recruiter and employee, whether it’s a call or an email to make sure they’re available and ready for their interview,” said Anderson. “I think some things still need those personal touches.”

The onboarding automations have made the biggest impact on my team because I don’t need to manually go through everyone’s file to see where their progress is. The system just does it, and it’s one less audit that I have to manually do. It frees up time for my customer service team to focus on what actually needs to be done instead of doing follow up calls.
Kelsey Anderson Director of Employee Experience at Ethan Allen Workforce Solutions


The final stage of Connected Recruiting is “Nurture.” During this phase, you can proactively nurture talent throughout their assignment so you can easily engage them for their next role. This increases your ability to extend a candidate’s assignment or redeploy them in a new role in the future.

Connecting with candidates on assignment: Ethan Allen has set up a date-based automation to ensure they are checking in with their candidates on assignment. When a candidate starts a new role, an automated notification is sent to their recruiter on their first and second days of work. After that, a notification is sent every seven days. “This notification is a reminder for the recruiter. The recruiter is then expected to follow up with a phone call to either the client or employee to check in and see how everything is going,” said Domenico. “We have automated the reminders, but we want to automate the check-ins as well. That is on our to-do list.”

Securing candidate and client feedback: In addition to automating check-ins with candidates on assignment, the Ethan Allen team is planning to automate feedback surveys at the end of a candidate’s assignment. “At the end of a placement, we want to automatically secure feedback from both the candidate and client. That way, we’ll get an understanding of what the candidate did and did not like in order to properly redeploy them, while understanding if they were a good fit for the client.”

How Bullhorn Automation Increased Ethan Allen’s Productivity

While focusing on creating automations that support each phase of the Connected Recruiting life cycle, Ethan Allen has been able to save time, resulting in increased productivity across their team. During this period, using Automation, Ethan Allen increased their time saved by 204%!

Previously, most of Ethan Allen’s processes were very manual. Their recruiters had to send their candidates reminders and keep track of all of their follow up communications. With Bullhorn Automation, that is taken off of their plates. “Having automations in place frees up time for our recruiters to build relationships with candidates and clients, because they don’t have to do admin tasks anymore,” said Anderson.” We’ve set the automations up to be ‘set it and forget it.’ That has freed up so much time across the board, for everybody on our team.”

From my standpoint, the biggest benefit of Bullhorn Automation is that it just makes work easier. Ultimately, it makes life easier. I can trust that the automations are running.
Elizabeth Domenico President of Ethan Allen Workforce Solutions
NTIATIVE Tue, 29 Nov 2022 14:11:13 +0000

How Connected Recruiting automations supported NTIATIVE’s rapid growth

NTIATIVE is an IT recruitment agency based in Kraków, Poland. They specialise in mid-level to senior IT positions in the infrastructure, software development, and data science industries. The team has seen massive internal growth since 2020, expanding from a team of eight to 40 people. While this exponential growth brought many exciting opportunities, it also came with its own challenges.

With a global talent shortage and impending recession looming ahead, NTIATIVE needed a way to satisfy their clients’ needs with their services and technology. So, about a year and a half ago, the team decided to partner with Bullhorn Automation. Since then, the team has been putting together automations to impact each phase of Bullhorn’s Connected Recruiting lifecycle.

Connected Recruiting is a strategy that empowers staffing firms to engage talent at every stage of the talent lifecycle: attract, engage, onboard, and nurture. By leveraging Connected Recruiting best practices, staffing firms can ensure an incredible experience for their talent, create an ever-growing and consistently engaged talent pool, and lower their cost of talent acquisition.

We had the opportunity to chat with Adriano Corso, Head of Marketing at NTIATIVE, to dive into his team’s advanced automations and the Connected Recruiting strategies that have spelled success from attracting candidates to nurturing relationships.


The first phase of the Connected Recruiting lifecycle is “Attracting” talent. During this phase, it’s crucial to efficiently pull talent in through job boards and follow up immediately to ensure they don’t slip through the cracks. The goal is to get more out of your job board spend, increase efficiency, and improve the candidate experience from the start.

NTIATIVE uses several different channels to attract candidates. The team shares open job roles on social media channels and through their podcast promotions, while pulling from job boards to find relevant talent. One of their most successful automation campaigns was built to help the team understand how big their talent pool is on their social channels.

Facebook forms generate leads: In order to test out this audience, the team ran a salary campaign on Facebook that asked candidates what salary they were interested in receiving. “This campaign was quite simple, because Facebook already had all of the candidate’s information. Then, we were able to receive that information once someone filled out our instant form,” said Corso. “We automatically connected the Facebook leads form to Bullhorn, so the leads were sent directly into our system, using data mapping fields.” At the end of the campaign, NTIATIVE had the name, seniority level, and salary interest of each person that filled out the form. They spent $1,500 on the campaign, but left with 500 leads on potential candidates.

Building a large candidate database: In addition to out-of-the-box campaigns, NTIATIVE uses job boards to find new talent. Corso said that this process is simple. Once someone applies to an open role from a job board, the recruiter will receive a notification. While the candidate receives an automated confirmation email within 24 hours of applying for the position, the recruiter is expected to follow up with them. “Our goal is to make sure that the recruiter puts lists into Bullhorn. That way, months and years later, we can send emails to these candidates with open roles that are similar to the original job they applied for.” With this approach, NTIATIVE makes sure they’re going back to their database for future openings, instead of revisiting the job boards with every open role.

“We can [also] enter them into an automation job campaign based on an action they’ve taken on our website,” Corso said. NTIATIVE is currently building an automation that automatically sends an email to anyone that clicks five times on their website.

According to Corso, this phase in the Connected Recruiting life cycle is a huge focus for the NTIATIVE team. “We’re investing a lot in the ‘Attract’ phase of Connected Recruiting, because I believe that we can source more of our candidates from different sources. For example, there’s a huge potential in Facebook and YouTube. We don’t want to be fishing from the same pond as everyone else. Incorporating automations while sourcing from unique places can help us differentiate ourselves.”


The next stage in the Connected Recruiting life cycle is “Engage.” In this phase, recruitment agencies should work to engage the talent that is already in their database, as well as new candidates, with the right message, at the right time, for the right opportunities. The goal is to increase the conversion of your existing talent pool to ultimately save time and lower the cost of talent acquisition.

Cleaning their database to remain GDPR Compliant: NTIATIVE has focused their attention on engaging candidates through their GDPR campaign. With GDPR, the team is legally obligated to clean their database every 12 months. They need to confirm that they have permission to contact their candidates with marketing emails. NTIATIVE needed to scale how they contacted their candidate base for these permissions. So, they partnered with the Bullhorn Customer Success team to create an automated GDPR campaign using a “traffic light” approach.

According to Corso, the first step was obtaining consent. He said, “We sent a communication to our database of 20,000 candidates, letting them know that we were running the campaign for GDPR. Everyone had the option to choose from a green, yellow, and red button. If they clicked the green button, they were giving us permission to send them our newsletter and open jobs. If they clicked the yellow button, we only had permission to send them job opportunities. Finally, If they clicked the red button, they did not want us to contact them anymore.” From there, the second step in the process was creating automated email campaigns for each segment, based on the results of the initial consent email. For example, the team sent different versions of their newsletter, based on the recipients’ GDPR responses.

“The GDPR campaign helped us get our house clean while making our legal and operations happy. Now that we have engaged with the candidates and determined the segments, the next step is to nurture those segments. However, just the fact that we can segment people and send emails in a nice format is a good win,” said Corso.


The next stage in the Connected Recruiting life cycle is “Onboard.” By properly onboarding candidates, you can create a seamless and positive experience for them in the lead-up to the first day of a job, through the first few weeks. By engaging candidates frequently before their new role and beyond, you have the opportunity to reduce the rate of no-shows and improve the overall client and candidate experience.

Distributing onboarding documents: Currently, NTIATIVE has a manual onboarding process, where a dedicated employee ensures candidates have the correct onboarding documents. Their recruiters are available to make sure that their candidates have a seamless transition into their new roles, and all questions are answered. Looking forward, NTIATIVE would like to use Bullhorn Automation to automate candidate document distribution. “I’d like to automate the onboarding documents from the moment the candidate is placed,” said Corso. “Then, if clients request onboarding support, we could send an email with all of the documents for candidates.”


The final stage of Connected Recruiting is “Nurture.” During this phase, you can proactively nurture talent throughout their assignment so you can easily engage them for their next role. This increases your ability to extend a candidate’s assignment or redeploy them in a new role in the future.

Automating a referral program: NTIATIVE is about to launch an automated referral campaign to the talent in their database. In the campaign, the team is going to target their “silver medalists,” meaning candidates that were in the final interviews for roles, but were not ultimately chosen. “Sometimes the candidates join another company but remember us because of the great experience they had with us. In those cases, they may have their new company join as a client,” said Corso. NTIATIVE will give referral participants a €1,000 bonus for either a candidate or client referral.

In addition to the referral program and regular, automated touchbase emails with candidates in their database, NTIATIVE uses Bullhorn Automation to secure feedback from candidates in their database. This feedback comes in several forms.

Securing candidate and client feedback: One example of these feedback communications is the NPS survey. “NPS is one question that asks candidates how they would rate us on a scale from one to ten. The NPS email is automatically triggered to send to our candidates exactly two days after we mark a placement within Bullhorn,” said Corso. “We also use NPS for the clients. Every three to six months, we send our clients the NPS survey with more elaborate questions about the communication they received from their recruiter and how their overall experience was.”

Beyond NPS, NTIATIVE has built an automation to secure reviews on Google Business Profile. Every time the team fills a role for a client, the client receives a notification that congratulates them on the new employee, while asking for a recruiter review. This automation has proven to be quite successful. Corso said, “This year, we went from 20 reviews on Google My Business to 97 reviews. We also include the NPS survey in the same email, in an attempt to get both pieces of feedback at once.”

When looking at the branding side of things, I think the review campaign has made the biggest impact on the business. When we are able to show people that we have almost 100 reviews from candidates, it builds our credibility
Adriano Corso Head of Marketing, NTIATIVE

How Bullhorn Automation Supported NTIATIVE’s Rapid Growth

NTIATIVE’s team has focused on creating a series of well-rounded automations that touch almost every phase of the Connected Recruiting life cycle. According to Corso, these automations have improved his team’s efficiency across the board. “With Bullhorn Automation, our team’s workload has improved significantly. We are able to send an automated campaign to 120 candidates on behalf of a recruiter, requesting that they ‘Book a Meeting’ with that individual. This saves our recruiters from sending 120 emails. They just need to send us a list of contacts, and we can automate the rest!”

We’re trying to make marketing a crucial part of the recruitment industry. We think out of the box with automation integration, and there's more to come.
Adriano Corso Head of Marketing, NTIATIVE
The j. David Group Wed, 02 Nov 2022 13:11:13 +0000


Founded in 2011, the j. David Group is a go-to-market search firm built for rapidly scaling software companies. They focus on filing sales roles for these start-up organizations. The team has seen massive internal growth since January 2021, expanding from a team of two to a team of eleven people. While this exponential growth brought many exciting opportunities, it also came with its own challenges.

The Challenges

Reducing Manual Work

With a growing team, the j. David Group wanted to take advantage of their increased bandwidth and expand their focus into marketing roles. While they looked to expand the business, the j. David Group’s account managers were continuing to juggle placing candidates, managing client relationships, and keeping up with candidate communications.

“We wanted to look into a solution that would take the tedious, manual work off of our team’s plate, so that they could focus on finding more candidates, screening candidates, and managing clients,” said Kerry Webb, Chief Operating Officer at the j. David Group. They needed a way to automate their manual processes so that their account managers would have more time to focus on creating exceptional candidate and client experiences.

Managing Candidate Information

Despite the rapid growth of the j. David Group’s team, their recruiters were continuing to store candidate resumes on their individual computers. This meant that they lacked a single source of truth for their candidate information. Additionally, when candidates were not placed, there wasn’t an easy way to get their information back to a central database.

According to Webb, “We had a bunch of resumes that we knew we would want to dig into in the future. These people weren’t the right fit for a particular role, but we knew that they might be a good fit for a future opportunity. So, we wanted a place to house them.” They needed a platform that would increase the team’s visibility across all candidate information, both those placed and those that haven’t been tapped into.

Reporting Functionality

In addition to needing broader visibility into general candidate information, the j. David Group needed to understand where candidates were in the hiring process. Up to that point, the team had been using Trello to track a candidate’s interview status. “It was cumbersome, because if one of our clients asked how many candidates were in the funnel for a particular role, we wouldn’t be able to tell them. We needed a way to be able to look at something quickly and tell them all of the people we have in the process for them,” said Webb.

The j. David Group realized that they needed stronger reporting in order to quickly identify detailed candidate information such as their placement status, the time it takes to fill a position, and conversion ratios.

The Solutions

At the beginning of 2022, the j. David Group determined that they would need to fully digitize and automate their systems in order to keep up with demand. Co-founder and CEO Jay Webb had used Bullhorn in the past, and decided it was time to bring back that external support. By March, their team had implemented Bullhorn ATS & CRM, as well as Bullhorn Automation.

Once these systems were up and running, the team wanted a way to analyze their data and track results. By May 2022, the j. David Group decided to implement Bullhorn Analytics. “If someone approaches us and asks how long it takes for us to place a candidate, or how many candidates convert into actual placements, we want to have an answer for them,” said Webb. “We needed a strong analytics program to pull that information. That was one of the big reasons we partnered with Bullhorn.”

The Results

Increased Efficiency with Bullhorn Automation 

Since partnering with Bullhorn Automation, the j. David Group is able to automate candidate communications that they previously had to send manually. They have automated messages that go out to candidates informing them when they’ve been submitted for a role, what their candidate status is throughout the interview process, and what tips to remember before an interview.

“Those communications help take those little tedious tasks off of the account manager’s plate,” said Webb. “Those messages can become really overwhelming for a recruiter if they have twenty candidates in the interview process. So, Bullhorn Automation allows them to focus on finding more candidates, screening candidates, and managing the client relationship.” Their automated communications have seen strong success rates, with an average 71.9% open rate in the past 90 days. They have also re-engaged with over 500 candidates that were previously submitted but hadn’t been contacted in the past 90 days. So, by removing the manual step of sending reminder communications, the j. David Group has seen improved efficiency and candidate engagement across the team.

But their success with automated communications doesn’t end there. According to Webb, in addition to supporting candidate communications, Bullhorn Automation allows the team to better manage candidate information. “It allows us to send messages to our recruiters to tell them if we are missing a candidate’s email address.

“We have an automation set-up that contacts candidates if we realize we don’t have all of their correct information, or if we are missing information,” said Webb. “It also allows us to send messages to our recruiters to tell them if we are missing a candidate’s email address. It’s helping us make sure we have the right information for the candidate.” This enables the team to keep their database up-to-date without having to chase down candidates to get their missing data.

Greater Visibility Into the Business with Bullhorn Analytics 

By partnering with Bullhorn Analytics, the j. David Group has significantly increased the visibility they have into their business. They are now able to quickly identify crucial information such as their average deal size, how much time it takes to fill a position, and how much money they have in their pipeline. “Bullhorn Analytics has been extremely helpful with our forecasting and budgeting,” said Webb. “It has been huge for our CFO, because she is able to see the amount of money that we have in our pipeline and create a forecast for us moving forward. That has been an immediate benefit that we have seen.” In fact, in the past four months that they’ve been live on Bullhorn Analytics, the j. David Group has already seen a 12% increase in the fill rate of jobs.

According to Webb, consistent reporting is the key to success. She said that she is in Bullhorn Analytics almost every day, and provides reports to the team on a weekly basis. This way, the team can see where their weak spots are, and where they have opportunities to improve. “We need to make sure that people are following the right processes so that we’re actually getting productivity out of our team. Bullhorn Analytics gives us that insight to see where we should be focusing our time and resources,” said Webb.


¹ Based on Bullhorn Automation data from October 2022

² Based on Bullhorn Automation data from October 2022

³ Based on Bullhorn Analytics data from October 2022

Being able to go into Bullhorn and understand what each account manager has and is responsible for quickly and easily has been super helpful in helping us manage our business.
Kerry Webb COO, j.David Group

The Future

Looking ahead, the j. David Group is going to continue to focus on expanding the work they do with Bullhorn Analytics. They want to dig deeper into the data to be able to report on the number of candidates they have in the pipeline, the number of roles they have open, and where everyone stands in the process. “That has been eye-opening for me,” said Webb. “If we have 200 candidates in February, but realize we only have 80 new candidates in June, we will be able to identify the problem, and reallocate our team’s time to come to a resolution.”

As for their relationship with the Bullhorn team? “I tell everybody all the time how awesome the Bullhorn Support team is,” said Kerry. “I’ve never called and gotten someone that couldn’t help me or point me in the right direction. Or, if they need to look into the answer, someone has always gotten back to me immediately.” When j. David has a question or an issue that is impacting their business, Kerry said that they trust Bullhorn to get to a resolution quickly so that they can get back to work.

INSIDE Recruitment Mon, 24 Oct 2022 07:11:34 +0000

INSIDE Recruitment is a strong purpose led business striving to enable people and organisations to thrive. Founded in 2009, by partners Troy Turner and Dale Gray their mission is to ‘Think fresh and connect people to purpose, to better Aotearoa, New Zealand.’ Today, they offer their services throughout New Zealand, working to connect senior leaders and executives to businesses across the country. Kate Condick, Associate Director, People Experience at INSIDE Recruitment said “We’re about creating strong connections, we’re very relationship driven. We believe that if people know us, like us, trust us then they’ll refer to us and that’s how we’ll grow organically.”

We recently caught up with Kate to discuss how they’ve used Bullhorn and Bullhorn Automation to power their team, enabling them to build stronger relationships.

The Challenge

INSIDE Recruitment has been partnering with Bullhorn for over seven years now. Prior to Bullhorn, they utilised a system that was not fully cloud based. They faced constant outages and knew it was time for a change. At the time, Troy was “looking for a CRM that wasn’t just going to suit their needs at that particular moment, they were looking to grow as well”, at that time Troy decided to go with Bullhorn after seeing that it would help them grow and achieve their business goals.

Kate joined INSIDE Recruitment four years ago to focus on enhancing the experience of people interacting with the business. This encompassed their candidates, clients as well as internal staff. She designed a ‘Candidate Experience Framework’ but found a number of barriers to implementing it. Inputting tasks and reminders into Bullhorn for consultants required their support team to do a large amount of manual data entry, taking at least 10 minutes per set of reminders. They found due to a number of years on the system and some human error, the data integrity of the platform had diminished. On top of that, INSIDE Recruitment was using a third party survey tool, adding to their data dilemmas. Kate explained, “We didn’t know the placements the [survey] responses were connected to and couldn’t follow up on them easily. It wasn’t aligning the two worlds of data.” This is when they discovered Bullhorn Automation.

The Solution

With the help of Bullhorn Automation, INSIDE Recruitment has been able to restore their data integrity within Bullhorn. Kate said, “Using Bullhorn Automation has helped us make Bullhorn the source of truth and made sure the data is correct. We’ve linked quite a few systems to our Bullhorn database and it’s just allowed everything to remain true and correct.” She continued, “[We’ve used] automation to update our fields to ensure that data remains accurate and then we can build off that. It just takes away those low value underlying administrative tasks, takes away the human error and then all of a sudden your data is really good to play with.”

Using Bullhorn Automation, Kate has been able to implement their Candidate Experience Framework to enhance their candidate’s experience. Kate has used multiple channels – tasks in Bullhorn, email notifications, surveys – for their team and candidates to ensure candidates are contacted at the right moments with the relevant information they need. “It’s allowed us to implement that framework and manipulate that framework to how we want to do it”, Kate said. Their surveys are now sent from Bullhorn Automation, allowing INSIDE Recruitment to gain the visibility it lacked previously. They can send surveys that relate directly to the candidate, the client and the placement. The response data is brought directly back into Bullhorn so that consultants can see it and take the necessary actions. “It allows us to go back out and reconnect with candidates and clients”, Kate stated.

The Results

Since implementing Bullhorn Automation along with Bullhorn, INSIDE Recruitment has seen a number of positive results. Kate noted the ease at which they can “configure Bullhorn itself.” She explains further, “If you want a new field, you can create that field and then pull that through the automation as well. So you’ve basically got this infinite number of ways to use it, it’s been amazing from that perspective.” She adds, “Automation has allowed us to update the right fields for us to stay connected and nurture our talent pools, both candidates and clients.” One of the core values at INSIDE Recruitment is to be ‘refreshingly personal’. So Kate acknowledges they don’t want to automate everything and take away the human touch, rather it’s about “striking the right balance” and using automation to assist their teams in enhancing the ‘people experience’.

With Bullhorn now their single source of truth, their teams across the business are more connected. This includes their support team, consultants and the finance team. “So our finance team works really closely with our support team and just being able to bring that data together to give them important updates as well,” Kate said. Additionally with their support team freed from manual data entry, they’ve been able to form stronger connections with INSIDE Recruitment’s candidates and clients.

INSIDE Recruitment has experienced a huge amount of organic growth using Bullhorn and Bullhorn Automation. They’ve gone from about 15 people to over 40 staff over the last few years. “We would not have been able to scale up the way that we have without the use of those tools”, Kate stated. “We’ve been able to optimise the potential of Bullhorn and Bullhorn Automation to provide consistency, drive best practices and adoption, engage more with our candidates and clients whilst finding the balance between personal and automated processes and still being refreshingly personal”, Kate said.

The Future

Looking to the future, Kate knows INSIDE Recruitment will continue to refer back to their strong culture, mission and purpose in everything they do. They plan to continue their strong organic growth which will help them to achieve their mission ‘to enable people and organisations to thrive with purpose around them’. This will ensure they can continue to provide their high levels of service too.

In the technology side of things, “the possibilities are infinite”, Kate stated. “In the last 4 years, we’ve been able to achieve that level of data integrity and now we’ve got that base we can really explode into the future”, Kate added. INSIDE Recruitment will also use technology to nurture their talent pools and engage with clients. She hopes Bullhorn combined with Bullhorn Automation will be able to “further help us use omni-channels”. She continues, “We want to be creating channels for the right audience. For example, using emails for the slightly older generation, chatbots for the slightly younger generation…That’s going to help us in the future.”
