Resources - Bullhorn EU Applicant Tracking & Recruiting Software Fri, 27 May 2022 17:01:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Resources - Bullhorn EU 32 32 GRID 2022 Trends Report Thu, 03 Mar 2022 13:28:32 +0000 Recruitment CFOs Weigh In: 5 Priorities for 2021 Fri, 15 Oct 2021 18:19:34 +0000

Double Down on Your Employees

It’s no secret that employees – from recruiters to salespeople to operations – are integral to any recruitment agency’s success. Yet, after a turbulent year and looking ahead to a new year, it can be challenging to devote equal time and resources to your internal and external stakeholders while still maintaining your business’s other crucial functions.

From investing in mental health initiatives to devoting resources to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs, employees are a top priority for the year. Programs put in place at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic will remain throughout 2021: remote work, more internal collaboration, and transparent communication across the organization.

While external and industry factors will be top of mind in 2020, firms need to ensure they continue to consider their employee’s experience as we head into 2021.

Very early on in the pandemic, we put a robust multi-phase plan in place. We lived by our plan, and we continuously communicated to the business what phase we were in.  As a business, I believe we took a lot of fear away from our team around job security and the financial performance of the business.
Yaron Segal CFO, Talent International
We're focused on improving peoples' lives in 2021. Although we are looking at saving money, we will continue to invest heavily in our people since they're our greatest asset. We know people have worked really hard in what has been a difficult time, and we want to give something back to them.
Daniel Hutchins Group Financial Controller, Austin Fraser

Stay Hyper-Focused on Candidate and Client Experience

2020 brought many new challenges across the industry, but providing a positive candidate and client experience is as crucial to short-term and long-term success as ever.

Clients prefer open lines of communication and information transparency throughout the recruitment process.  Firms should consider how to provide more value to their clients, especially with new technologies launching all the time. Finding solutions that benefit your candidates, clients, and internal recruiters can be even more impactful in the long run.

Heading into the year ahead, firms will need to manage their internal employees and foster client relationships while continuing to deal with the industry’s shortage of qualified talent.

“From the client-side, we continue to see a growing need and a desire for information and flexibility, especially in these challenging times,” Bill Burns, CFO of Cross Country Healthcare explains.

We're all going to face the same continuation of a talent shortage next year. It's not just about how we're utilizing the technology to ensure that we're managing the candidate inventory that we have, but also teaching our teams better engagement strategies to ensure that they're developing that relationship with the candidate.
Jaime Donnelly CFO, Integrity Staffing
We are constantly asking ourselves what we plan to do with technology and if it adds any value for our candidate or our clients. What can we do to give that a twist and make our clients' and candidates' lives a little bit easier? And maybe it can make our recruiters' jobs a little bit easier at the same time, which is ideal.
Martijn Lussenburg Managing Director, Aditech

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Data

All of our CFOs emphasized the importance of using data to make informed decisions about the future; you can determine when, where, and how to spend your resources—and where to save them.

There are plenty of data points that indicate what 2021 will bring, but the key is to dig through the noise and pull out the data points that matter to your business. Todd Sweat, CFO of Vaco shares, “the biggest difference between 2021 and 2020 is that we’ve figured out how to get better and more vital information.” He adds that while he isn’t approaching forecasting in 2021 any differently, he’s doing so with more knowledge “about the way any number of business factors might impact things.”

By homing in on the right data, CFOs can anticipate not just what the year to come will look like across the business, but they can make data-informed decisions about how they spend their resources during that year. This kind of foresight allows you to scale back or move forward with technology investments. A CFO with experience at a leading recruitment company echoes this sentiment with their 2021 approach; “We’re focusing on our ability to forecast data, which enables our continued investments and partnerships. From there, we can continue to invest in digitalization and the upgrade of our technology in 2021.”

We all accept that there's a much higher level of uncertainty right now. Previously, we'd set the budget at the start of the year, and it would remain in place as we monitor it throughout the year. Now, we've moved to quarterly re-forecasting, so every quarter, we have a completely fresh look using the latest market insights.
Luke Howes CFO, Six Degrees Executive
What is your team’s most important and valuable work, and what is driving the most value to the business? We’re evaluating the effectiveness of this process and asking, are we getting the value from it, could this time be better used elsewhere, or do we need to spend the money on the staff that it takes to get this done?
Jaime Donnelly CFO, Integrity Staffing

Adapt and Find Opportunities to Grow

No company ever found success in stagnancy, and the pandemic only reinforced the value of adaptability. Each CFO found a way to acclimate and thrive during this challenging time, whether by seizing growth opportunities or driving a leaner team. The consistent thing was embracing a fluid approach to the year, adapting, and growing as they enter 2021.

“What I’ve learned during this pandemic is that I am a huge proponent of shortening the time between clarity and action,” Jaime Donnelly said. “When the pandemic hit, it became clear that there were more opportunities for us to move even faster on the bigger things than we would have traditionally done in the past, such as working remotely.”

And just as some CFOs jumped at the opportunity to launch projects and grow their companies during the pandemic, some adapted to the year by skimming the fat and taking a more cautious approach to the new year. In fact, our recent survey findings reveal that 36% of respondents identify controlling spend as a top priority.

Top Priority

36% of CFOs Surveyed Identify Controlling Spend as a Top Priority
I see this time as opportunistic. There's a lot of distractions out there pulling companies in different directions. I think it's a perfect time for us to take advantage of that: be aggressive, start new offices, navigate acquisitions, or consider merging with better companies because I think we can build market share and more of a brand presence now than ever before.
Todd Sweat CFO, Vaco

Martijn Lussenburg argues the practicality of this approach; “Be a critic about the way you make your money and in which business line you want to make it. It’s very easy to see money lying on the street. But, ask yourself if you should pick up every dime, or should you be looking for that special one?”

And it’s not just CFOs who are cutting costs. “Because of the pandemic, we looked to ourselves and went through every cost line and understood whether we need it, is it essential right now, and is it giving us anything in return? It’s driving people to be more aware of business spending. It’s phenomenal how much cost we are saving by asking those small questions and looking internal first before we look external,” Daniel Hutchins said.

Embrace Digital Transformation

One of the key challenges going into 2021 is not convincing the industry that there’s a need for digital transformation—that need is apparent—the challenge is embracing it. With the increase in client needs and expectations, staffing firms need to adopt technology to put them at the forefront of this transformation.

But to say that digital transformation is only about speeding up your business processes would be a disservice. By freeing up recruiter time and resources, the focus can be turned to adding value to your candidate and client relationships.

Each CFO agrees that embracing the industry’s digital transformation isn’t just an opportunity for businesses; firms that fail to leverage the power of process automation risk falling behind the competition. But going into 2021 on the back of a pandemic, digital transformation couldn’t be more critical to the future of your business.

The entire market has sped up considerably, with clients needing candidates immediately, and no longer able to wait for 30-45 days. As a result, our entire organization has sped up, and we are fortunate to have embraced technology and embarked on a digital transformation.
Bill Burns CFO, Cross Country Healthcare
We're going to have to keep automating processes. Everyone in the industry has had to improve their technology this year to support people working from home, so anything not making us efficient will slow us down. It's about automating, getting better integrations between our systems, and making the whole internal process as seamless as possible.
Luke Howes CFO, Six Degrees Executive

Martijn Lussenburg shares: “The human factor in matchmaking is not to be underestimated. Recruiters being able to focus on matching the candidate’s soft skills will be more important as we move towards a digital transformation and automating matches on hard skills.”

Each CFO agrees that embracing the industry’s digital transformation isn’t just an opportunity for businesses; firms that fail to leverage the power of process automation risk falling behind the competition. But going into 2021 on the back of a pandemic, digital transformation couldn’t be more critical to the future of your business. “I think, going forward, it will be in the back of everyone’s mind that something like this could happen again.  We need to future-proof ourselves,” says Yaron Segal.

Martijn Lussenburg says it succinctly: “The industry, as a whole, needs digital transformation.”

Stay ahead of the latest recruitment trends

Recruitment & Reskilling: Closing the Skills Gap Starts With You Fri, 17 Sep 2021 17:48:21 +0000

Solving the Skills Shortage

For the first time in modern history, the supply of available human labour is lower than global demand for that labour, resulting in a talent shortage.

As business models change and technology evolves, so do the skills required from candidates, resulting in a skills shortage.

So, how can the recruitment industry find candidates to fill these open jobs? The answer is reskilling – take candidates with the aptitude to change, and invest in education to outfit them with the skills required of the jobs of the future.

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Developing Tomorrow’s Talent Today

With reskilling efforts expected to increase in 2019, now is the time to begin thinking about what you can do to bring reskilling services into your business.

K2 Partnering Solutions, a leading global recruitment agency, created K2 University to do just that. K2 University provide reskilling and training for professional and graduate candidates, and offer ongoing support throughout the entire recruitment process.

Read the Full Story

Turn Reskilling Into Reality

Crucial Academy was developed by Crucial Group to assist former military personnel looking to move into civilian roles. Through on-site training, the Academy is able to reskill candidates in offensive, defensive, information assurance, and threat intelligence courses.

Crucial Academy is a great example of how a recruitment agency can offer reskilling services to candidates, and work in partnership with their clients to create pools of skilled talent that address skills shortages.


Learn More About Crucial Academy


Reskilling was a hot topic at Engage London 2018

The recruitment industry loses half a billion dollars in annual turnover. Imagine if we took employees from lower-wage jobs and reskilled those people. This could be a trillion dollar industry with a very different profile. This isn’t a crisis, this is a huge opportunity for all of us.
Art Papas, Founder & CEO, Bullhorn

Hear More from Engage London 2018

4 Steps Toward Reskilling

Your agency might not be ready to reskill just yet, but as you start to devise an initial strategy, here are four steps toward reskilling that might be helpful for you:

Assess Your Open Reqs

What percentage of jobs involve the same skill sets, and what trends can you identify as far as popularity of emerging skills and competencies?

Create an “Aptitude Translation” Chart

Leverage your recruitment expertise to map the skills keywords that characterise available candidates from your ATS to jobs for which they may one day be relevant, if given proper training. Is a candidate returning from active military duty? He or she may have innate leadership ability, logistical insight, or sales aptitude.

Consider Hidden Talent Pools

Returning mothers, service members, and candidates with special needs are phenomenal sources of talent and they have been traditionally overlooked.

Invest in Your Talent

Reskilling hinges on making an investment in educating the candidates with which you work to ensure that they can be effective in new roles. As their guide and partner, you have the power to show them that they have the capacity for change, and that your clients should trust their pure aptitude to tackle new challenges.

Reskilling Education Resources

Learn software, creative, and business skills to achieve your personal and professional goals. Join today to get access to thousands of courses.

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You can learn anything. Expert-created content and resources for every course and level. Always free.

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Master new skills in design, marketing, technology, and data — online or at our campuses around the world.

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Turn on the power of critical thinking in teams and networks with The Science of Working Smarter.®

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Join the millions learning to code with codecademy.

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Use BBC Bitesize to help with your homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject.

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Recruitment CRM Buyer’s Guide Fri, 17 Sep 2021 17:43:13 +0000

Recruitment CRM ABCs

Get familiar with the what, how, and why of recruitment CRMs

What is a Recruitment CRM?

A recruitment CRM automates an agency’s recruiting operations and provides a central repository for candidate data—including CVs and applications.

They’re built to help you:

  • Manage every stage in the recruiting process, from application to hire
  • Manage candidate relationships
  • Reduce manual activities

Why do you need a Recruitment CRM?

A good recruitment CRM has the power to turn your entire recruitment operation into the most productive, profitable, and efficient business it can be.

The best recruitment CRMs:

  • Increase your recruiters’ productivity
  • Save time and resources
  • Provide organisation and structure for your business

Recruitment CRM Benefits: By the Numbers

Agencies that use a recruitment CRM report:

  • 75% less wasted time
  • 70% faster report creation
  • 15% less time to fill
  • 10% more placements per month

Map Out Your Requirements

Follow these 5 steps to determine what you need in a recruitment CRM

Review your recruiting process.

Document the steps in your recruiting workflow, making note of the activities a recruiter must do to perform their job effectively. Record any third-party tools (like job boards or social media) your recruiters use in the course of making a placement.

Use this process to understand where your business excels and where a recruitment CRM can help you improve.

Calculate your budget

Create a budget for your recruitment CRM investment. Consider upfront setup fees and ongoing usage fees. Determine any additional budget you may need for additional integrations once you’ve implemented your recruitment CRM.

Use this budget to inform your recruitment CRM selection process. Ask providers upfront about any additional implementation or setup fees you may need to plan for.

Determine what your current solution lacks

What are your biggest pain points? What is costing you business or productivity? Where do your recruiters spend the most time? Are they doing too much manual work?

Make a list of the functions and features that will provide the most value to your business.

Establish your time frame

Determine when you need your new recruitment CRM to be fully functional by. Ask your providers how long implementation and training will take. Ask each provider about their onboarding resources. Do they offer training and support to get you started as soon as possible?

Create a timeline and schedule demos and follow-ups accordingly.

Make a wishlist

What would your perfect recruitment CRM look like? What qualities of a recruitment CRM are most important to you? Which features are must-haves and which ones are just nice-to-haves?

Share your wishlist with prospective providers so they can address your specific needs.

Do Your Research

Investigate what different providers offer and schedule demos with your top choices

Read about top ATS features to see which are most important for your business.

Top 5 Features


Narrow down your list of options to a shortlist of your top choices

Have at least one of your recruiters join each demo to get input from someone who will use the system every day.

Read about top ATS features to see which are most important for your business.

Top Peer Review Sites


Learn more about these solutions by scheduling demos and discover which will best meet your needs.

After the demos, ask any additional questions you may have on key items, such as implementation, pricing, training, and onboarding your team.

G2 Crowd features reviews for 300 recruitment CRMs—more than 10,000 authentic user reviews in total.

You can sort for recruitment software solutions by popularity, user satisfaction, and G2 Score—a combination of reviews and data aggregated from online sources and social networks.

Visit G2 Crowd

Capterra curates vetted reviews from real users. Capterra ranks ATS solutions by popularity, user-friendliness, and average rating.

You can also filter by features, such as onboarding, candidate tracking, and workflow management in order to find the software that meets your firm’s specific needs.

Visit Capterra

5 Most Commonly Used Recruitment CRM Features

The most important features, according to recruitment CRM users


Every interaction you have with a candidate counts, so everything should be in your recruitment CRM.

Add notes on a candidate record after an initial conversation or second interview to stay organised and keep your team up-to-date on the status of your candidates.


Use tearsheets to organise your records into intuitive categories, such as “Top Sales Candidates” or “Machinists—Ready to Go”.

Now when you have a job to fill, you can take action immediately.

Submission Lists

Submission lists provide your team with visibility into your submissions and open jobs.

Filter the list to quickly see relevant information like candidate status and job status.

Email Integration

With an email inbox gadget, you can see all the relevant information about your candidate in one place.

Add notes, parse CVs, or attach files without leaving your inbox.

Favourite Searches

You’ll get familiar with the search function for any recruiting software you use, but you shouldn’t have to re-create your searches every time.

This feature prevents you from having to construct a new search every time you need to find out certain information.

5 Questions to Ask Recruitment CRM Providers

What to ask before you select software for your business and why to ask it

1. Is your recruitment CRM built specifically for recruitment agencies?

Why ask it?
Recruiters have unique demands. Solutions that aren’t built with recruitment industry recruiters in mind may lack core functionalities.

2. Do you have an open ecosystem for partners and integrations?

Why ask it?
A recruitment CRM is not an island. If your recruitment CRM integrates with every tool you use, you’ll be more productive and effective.

3. Is your recruitment CRM mobile-friendly? Do you have a native mobile app?

Why ask it?
Recruiters like to work on-the-go. A native mobile app lets them be productive wherever they are.

4. Can you share case studies from successful customers?

Why ask it?
Case studies allow you to see if firms with similar use-cases were able to be successful with your recruitment CRM.

5. How long does it take to get recruiters up-to-speed?

Why ask it?

To get value out of your recruitment CRM, your recruiters need to know how to use it. Find out how long it takes to onboard your team and learn what training resources are available.

Further Learning

Learn more about what to look for in a recruitment CRM with these additional resources

Invest Now, Save Later: Why a “Free Recruitment CRM” Isn’t Always Free

Read More 

3 Essential Qualities of a Great Recruitment CRM

Read More

How to Get the Most Out of Your Recruitment CRM

Read More

Recruitment CRM: Your Secret Weapon for Employee Onboarding

Read More

50+ Questions to Ask Your Recruitment CRM Provider

Read More

[Checklist] 7 Ways to Identify Your Recruitment CRM Needs

Read More

How Bullhorn's Recruitment CRM Can Help You Be Successful

Increase Recruiter Productivity

Streamline daily tasks with faster source, search, and match

Improve the Candidate Experience

Leverage relationship insights to deliver a superior candidate experience

Make Better Business Decisions

Run your business by the numbers using recruitment-specific, actionable reports

Take Advantage of the Powerful Bullhorn Ecosystem

Reach and Engage Candidates

TextUs helps your team get ahold of anyone, anywhere. Recruiters can text from their computer, smartphone, or right from within Bullhorn, all while managing multiple conversations at once. Recruiters can also save and share templates, creating a uniform candidate outreach method.

Learn More

SourceBreaker is an award winning End to End Search platform that finds Recruiters more of the best candidates, then at the click of a button, matches them to multiple live vacancies, and helps identify the hiring manager, providing multiple opportunities to place every candidate found in seconds.

Learn More

Increase Productivity and Visibility

Recruiters and sales teams make hundreds of calls a week. How much wasted time occurs in between calls. Streamline critical communications directly within Bullhorn – Click to dial, power dialing from tear sheets, native pop-up notes, integrated IM & Texting, automatic call recording, and more.

Learn More

Bullhorn Analytics is the #1 Growth Analytics Platform for the global recruitment industry. Embedded within Bullhorn, Bullhorn Analytics provides self-serve analytics, easy to use ad hoc reporting, and gamification functionality to help recruitment companies to increase revenue, improve data quality, and motivate teams. Whether you want to improve staff retention, grow your new business, repeat business, contract revenue or bottom line, Bullhorn Analytics will accelerate your growth whilst building a data-driven culture.

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RSM’s pay, bill, and accounting solution InTime has been specifically designed for recruitment and staffing agencies to automate and streamline the core back office functions of timesheet and expense processing, payroll, billing, contract management, accounting, and reporting. Combine InTime with RSM’s cloud-based accounting software and reporting portal for a fully integrated back office solution suitable for agencies of all sizes, from start ups to multinationals with overseas branches. RSM also offers outsourced payroll, billing and accounting services delivered by qualified experts.

Learn More

We can’t imagine running our business without Bullhorn. We’ve seen our time-to-fill rate drop by over 40% since implementation.
Mark Eldridge Founder ALKU

Ready to Get Started?

Toolkit: Resources to Help You Attract and Engage Candidates Wed, 08 Sep 2021 16:55:58 +0000 If you want your recruitment firm to be successful, you need a top-notch candidate engagement strategy. But what does it take? Do you have the necessary tools and knowledge to attract and engage candidates?
These resources contain practical information and actionable techniques to help you win over more candidates more often. Read through them all or pick one that speaks to you. And come back any time to revisit them and check out new additions.

Recruitment CRM Buyer’s Guide Tue, 07 Sep 2021 18:42:27 +0000

Recruitment CRM ABCs

Get familiar with the what, how, and why of recruitment CRMs

What is a Recruitment CRM?

A recruitment CRM automates an agency’s recruiting operations and provides a central repository for candidate data—including CVs and applications.

They’re built to help you:

  • Manage every stage in the recruiting process, from application to hire
  • Manage candidate relationships
  • Reduce manual activities

Why do you need a Recruitment CRM?

A good recruitment CRM has the power to turn your entire recruitment operation into the most productive, profitable, and efficient business it can be.

The best recruitment CRMs:

  • Increase your recruiters’ productivity
  • Save time and resources
  • Provide organisation and structure for your business

Recruitment CRM Benefits: By the Numbers

Agencies that use a recruitment CRM report:

  • 75% less wasted time
  • 70% faster report creation
  • 15% less time to fill
  • 10% more placements per month

Map Out Your Requirements

Follow these 5 steps to determine what you need in a recruitment CRM

Review your recruiting process.

Document the steps in your recruiting workflow, making note of the activities a recruiter must do to perform their job effectively. Record any third-party tools (like job boards or social media) your recruiters use in the course of making a placement.

Use this process to understand where your business excels and where a recruitment CRM can help you improve.

Calculate your budget

Create a budget for your recruitment CRM investment. Consider upfront setup fees and ongoing usage fees. Determine any additional budget you may need for additional integrations once you’ve implemented your recruitment CRM.

Use this budget to inform your recruitment CRM selection process. Ask providers upfront about any additional implementation or setup fees you may need to plan for.

Determine what your current solution lacks

What are your biggest pain points? What is costing you business or productivity? Where do your recruiters spend the most time? Are they doing too much manual work?

Make a list of the functions and features that will provide the most value to your business.

Establish your time frame

Determine when you need your new recruitment CRM to be fully functional by. Ask your providers how long implementation and training will take. Ask each provider about their onboarding resources. Do they offer training and support to get you started as soon as possible?

Create a timeline and schedule demos and follow-ups accordingly.

Make a wishlist

What would your perfect recruitment CRM look like? What qualities of a recruitment CRM are most important to you? Which features are must-haves and which ones are just nice-to-haves?

Share your wishlist with prospective providers so they can address your specific needs.

Do Your Research

Investigate what different providers offer and schedule demos with your top choices

Read about top ATS features to see which are most important for your business.

Top 5 Features


Narrow down your list of options to a shortlist of your top choices

Have at least one of your recruiters join each demo to get input from someone who will use the system every day.

Read about top ATS features to see which are most important for your business.

Top Peer Review Sites


Learn more about these solutions by scheduling demos and discover which will best meet your needs.

After the demos, ask any additional questions you may have on key items, such as implementation, pricing, training, and onboarding your team.

G2 Crowd features reviews for 300 recruitment CRMs—more than 10,000 authentic user reviews in total.

You can sort for recruitment software solutions by popularity, user satisfaction, and G2 Score—a combination of reviews and data aggregated from online sources and social networks.

Visit G2 Crowd

Capterra curates vetted reviews from real users. Capterra ranks ATS solutions by popularity, user-friendliness, and average rating.

You can also filter by features, such as onboarding, candidate tracking, and workflow management in order to find the software that meets your firm’s specific needs.

Visit Capterra

5 Most Commonly Used Recruitment CRM Features

The most important features, according to recruitment CRM users


Every interaction you have with a candidate counts, so everything should be in your recruitment CRM.

Add notes on a candidate record after an initial conversation or second interview to stay organised and keep your team up-to-date on the status of your candidates.


Use tearsheets to organise your records into intuitive categories, such as “Top Sales Candidates” or “Machinists—Ready to Go”.

Now when you have a job to fill, you can take action immediately.

Submission Lists

Submission lists provide your team with visibility into your submissions and open jobs.

Filter the list to quickly see relevant information like candidate status and job status.

Email Integration

With an email inbox gadget, you can see all the relevant information about your candidate in one place.

Add notes, parse CVs, or attach files without leaving your inbox.

Favourite Searches

You’ll get familiar with the search function for any recruiting software you use, but you shouldn’t have to re-create your searches every time.

This feature prevents you from having to construct a new search every time you need to find out certain information.

5 Questions to Ask Recruitment CRM Providers

What to ask before you select software for your business and why to ask it

1. Is your recruitment CRM built specifically for recruitment agencies?

Why ask it?
Recruiters have unique demands. Solutions that aren’t built with recruitment industry recruiters in mind may lack core functionalities.

2. Do you have an open ecosystem for partners and integrations?

Why ask it?
A recruitment CRM is not an island. If your recruitment CRM integrates with every tool you use, you’ll be more productive and effective.

3. Is your recruitment CRM mobile-friendly? Do you have a native mobile app?

Why ask it?
Recruiters like to work on-the-go. A native mobile app lets them be productive wherever they are.

4. Can you share case studies from successful customers?

Why ask it?
Case studies allow you to see if firms with similar use-cases were able to be successful with your recruitment CRM.

5. How long does it take to get recruiters up-to-speed?

Why ask it?

To get value out of your recruitment CRM, your recruiters need to know how to use it. Find out how long it takes to onboard your team and learn what training resources are available.

Further Learning

Learn more about what to look for in a recruitment CRM with these additional resources

Invest Now, Save Later: Why a “Free Recruitment CRM” Isn’t Always Free

Read More 

3 Essential Qualities of a Great Recruitment CRM

Read More

How to Get the Most Out of Your Recruitment CRM

Read More

Recruitment CRM: Your Secret Weapon for Employee Onboarding

Read More

50+ Questions to Ask Your Recruitment CRM Provider

Read More

[Checklist] 7 Ways to Identify Your Recruitment CRM Needs

Read More

How Bullhorn's Recruitment CRM Can Help You Be Successful

Increase Recruiter Productivity

Streamline daily tasks with faster source, search, and match

Improve the Candidate Experience

Leverage relationship insights to deliver a superior candidate experience

Make Better Business Decisions

Run your business by the numbers using recruitment-specific, actionable reports

Take Advantage of the Powerful Bullhorn Ecosystem

Reach and Engage Candidates

TextUs helps your team get ahold of anyone, anywhere. Recruiters can text from their computer, smartphone, or right from within Bullhorn, all while managing multiple conversations at once. Recruiters can also save and share templates, creating a uniform candidate outreach method.

Learn More

SourceBreaker is an award winning End to End Search platform that finds Recruiters more of the best candidates, then at the click of a button, matches them to multiple live vacancies, and helps identify the hiring manager, providing multiple opportunities to place every candidate found in seconds.

Learn More

Increase Productivity and Visibility

Recruiters and sales teams make hundreds of calls a week. How much wasted time occurs in between calls. Streamline critical communications directly within Bullhorn – Click to dial, power dialing from tear sheets, native pop-up notes, integrated IM & Texting, automatic call recording, and more.

Learn More

cube19 is the #1 Growth Analytics Platform for the global recruitment industry. Embedded within Bullhorn, cube19 provides self-serve analytics, easy to use ad hoc reporting, and gamification functionality to help recruitment companies to increase revenue, improve data quality, and motivate teams. Whether you want to improve staff retention, grow your new business, repeat business, contract revenue or bottom line, cube19 will accelerate your growth whilst building a data-driven culture.

Learn More

RSM’s pay, bill, and accounting solution InTime has been specifically designed for recruitment and staffing agencies to automate and streamline the core back office functions of timesheet and expense processing, payroll, billing, contract management, accounting, and reporting. Combine InTime with RSM’s cloud-based accounting software and reporting portal for a fully integrated back office solution suitable for agencies of all sizes, from start ups to multinationals with overseas branches. RSM also offers outsourced payroll, billing and accounting services delivered by qualified experts.

Learn More

We can’t imagine running our business without Bullhorn. We’ve seen our time-to-fill rate drop by over 40% since implementation.
Mark Eldridge Founder ALKU

Ready to Get Started?

Resources to Grow Your Recruitment Agency from the Ground Up Thu, 02 Sep 2021 05:49:58 +0000

Ready to Get Started?

What’s in Your Tech Stack? Thu, 02 Sep 2021 05:46:54 +0000

That’s where the Bullhorn Marketplace comes into play!

Bullhorn’s extensible platform enables staffing companies to build a customized tech stack that powers their entire business. With so many technology providers in the staffing and recruiting space, you are able to create a completely tailored solution, unique to your business, that integrates seamlessly with Bullhorn.

The Bullhorn Marketplace gives you the chance to pick and choose the right technologies, exactly when you need them. More importantly, it gives you peace of mind in knowing that these technologies have been vetted by Bullhorn, have track records of customer success, will support the growth of your unique business, and can fit seamlessly into your existing Bullhorn workflow.

Check out how real Bullhorn customers are leveraging the Marketplace and the Bullhorn partner ecosystem to grow their staffing business. These examples are meant as inspiration and helpful information – every business will need to make the choices that are right for you.

Visit Marketplace

The 'Allen Recruitment' Tech Stack

Allen Recruitment is a mid-size consultancy based in Dublin, London, and Cork providing a full range of recruitment related services to leading Information Technology and Finance companies.

The business is built on bringing in graduates with no prior experience to become trained recruitment pros. Thanks to the ‘easy to adopt and use’ nature of Marketplace solutions, user-adoption is high and new-recruits can get up to speed quickly and efficiently.

The fact that there are all of these different products already integrated allows you to have a bespoke process. Everything hangs off Bullhorn; if it’s not integrated into Bullhorn, I don’t want to know.
Brian Cunningham Managing Director, Allen Recruitment

The 'Premier Group' Tech Stack

Premier Group is a large recruitment agency delivering recruitment solutions across the IT, Digital, Engineering sectors in the UK and USA.

We began the year by looking at what our plans are and where we want the business to go, and were able to turn to the marketplace to find solutions, align these partner technologies with our business goals, and have found great success.
Ben Broughton Managing Director & Owner

The 'Petroplan' Tech Stack

Petroplan is a global recruitment specialist in both contract and permanent roles for employers and professionals in the oil, gas and energy sector.

I think now there’s a much greater emphasis on the marketplace, and the ability to use Bullhorn as your ‘all-in-one’. In a modern workplace where we use multiple evolving technologies, from your laptop, to wireless networks, and even headsets, etc. having everything working seamlessly together makes a ton of difference.
Alex Roberts IT Manager, Petroplan

Ready to Get Started?

Global Changemakers Tue, 31 Aug 2021 19:22:53 +0000

Ashley Porter >>
The “Expansion Expert”

Justin Thomason >>
The “Marketplace Maestro”

Oliver Perry >>
The “Metrics MVP”

Philippa Smith >>
The “Reporting Rockstar”

Paul McArdle >>
The “Cloud Champion”

Tjeerd Putters >>
The “Transformation Trendsetter”

Jason Flanagan >>
The “Partner Proponent”

Joy Lillis >>
The “Research Renegade”

James Louttit >>
The “Agile Advocate”

Leontine van der Blom >>
The “Growth Guru”

Chelsi Clifton >>
The “Development Driver”

Kate Condick >>
The “People Person”

THE “Expansion Expert”

Country: United States
Business: The Planet Group
Role: Vice President, Global Operations

“If there was technology out there that could help us expand our reach, we needed to invest. Being a part of that change was important to me because I’m invested in our organization and its success. If you keep to the status quo, and you become resistant to change, you’ve placed yourself behind your competition.”

Time to Make a Change

The Planet Group was founded in 2009 during a difficult time for the economy. In order to get the business up and running, Planet chose a lightweight recruitment platform that provided basic functionality at a reasonable cost. However, as the organization grew and added new brands, Ashley and her team realized that their technology was not built to grow along with them.

The Planet Group wanted to leverage tools that could truly help the organization. Many of their team members had previously used Bullhorn and strongly recommended it. Through a detailed vetting process, including referrals and demos, the team decided on Bullhorn as the best solution to streamline their technology and expand their brand.

Roadblocks to Progress

In order to successfully make the transition to Bullhorn, The Planet Group utilized a team of implementers who understood the importance of the change. Planet consistently communicated the improvements in progress to ensure that everyone was kept up-to-date and had input throughout the process.

Leadership expressed concerns about a lull or decrease in business activity during the transition to the new technology. Ashley and her team worked diligently with leadership to eliminate any possible disruptions to business flow and productivity. She made sure that everyone had a seat at the table when making decisions, from Sales and Recruitment to HR and Accounting, across the global regions they served.

Reaping the Benefits

By changing their technology, the Planet Group sought to increase the quality and speed of delivery. They analyzed production differences between their old system and Bullhorn, including streamlined processes and workflows, the volume of jobs and placements added to ensure they made positive impacts. When they started to analyze their success rate after the first 3-6 months, they saw significant improvements across the board.

In the three years since the change, Planet developed their own ongoing educational materials to highlight key differences and to minimize any areas of difficulty. The implementation team still meets regularly to help the organization leverage the Bullhorn suite and Marketplace partners in the most efficient way.

Why make a change now?

“We scaled to a level where we realized we couldn’t successfully operate in a system that didn’t work for us. The previous system did the bare minimum, which sufficed, but it didn’t do anything to propel us into success. To be the best, we had to invest in the best. We needed a system that didn’t just host our data, but a system that interacted with it.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“There’s always a period of adjustment and adoption. It could be the best system in the world, but as with any transition, people are required to change their everyday line of thinking and dedicate the time to learn.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“The user experience is unparalleled. The ability to interact with our data drives strategic business decisions on a global scale. The technologies and the platform are seamless. Each and every new employee has expressed how user-friendly and smooth of a transition it has been.”

In a rapidly changing economic landscape, the time for brave and bold decision-making is now. We've seen it time and time again throughout the past fifty years - the companies that anticipate market changes and embrace opportunities to innovate inevitably succeed while their less observant counterparts fail. We know that digital transformation is one of the top five opportunities for global staffing companies and we also know that the cloud affords productivity and continuity in times of crisis. Future-proofing your business isn't a matter of whether, but when.
Vinda Souza VP, Global Communications, Bullhorn

THE “Marketplace Maestro”

Country: United States
Business: MATRIX Resources
Role: VP of Recruiting

“The ability to create solutions to meet real business problems that we have is huge. Being able to apply the Bullhorn Marketplace to meet our needs and leverage these partners to devise, develop, and implement a solution that will work best for our unique team has really made a difference.”


Bullhorn ATS/CRM
Bullhorn Marketplace: SenseHQ, Daxtra Monster, Recruitics

Time to Make a Change

When Justin first joined MATRIX, they were using a few different systems that they tried to fit together, making it difficult for both current employees and new team members to be set up for success. They began looking for a solution that would truly help their employees and provide the data the team needed to plan appropriately and see what was going on within the business.

From candidate ownership to documentation to recruiter expectations, lack of process allowed some employees to be highly successful but didn’t maximize the potential output that an organization has. With 13 different offices, it was crucial to get each office on the same process to create consistency across the organization.

Roadblocks to Progress

The main challenge that MATRIX faced when navigating the change to Bullhorn was adoption across the organization – getting employees to use the technology most effectively, which would lead to better results on the recruiter level and higher performance for the company overall. For example, documenting notes correctly within Bullhorn was crucial so that the team could get a true representation of what was actually happening within the business, but many recruiters weren’t used to documenting all of their information in one system.

Reaping the Benefits

Since making a change towards digital transformation, the MATRIX team has been able to improve placement rates and adopt a more agile approach to their business now that the team is better connected to each other with increased visibility into the entire recruitment process.

But most importantly, the team is better set up for success and is already seeing the results of delivering a top-notch candidate and client experience: MATRIX was awarded the Best of Staffing Diamond Award for Client and Candidate Satisfaction from ClearlyRate

Why make a change now?

“Changes are tough and when you have a company that is growing and profitable, you think why is this the time to make a significant change? Getting people to look a few years down the road at the vision of what we could be was key to getting everyone on board with the transition. If we’re investing in technology and the process the way that we should, we should see our teams be more productive since they are set up to achieve higher results and be more efficient overall.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“To scale, adoption is hard and we have 185 recruiters across the company, so when you make a change to the technology/tech stack, it can be a lot to ask to make sure we’re adopting technology the right way.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“When you’re passionate about an idea that’s going to actually make people’s lives easier, help them make more money, help them make more placements, help them grow professionally, I think that was the big thing. Bullhorn is really the glue—it’s the canvas on which we paint everything every day.”

THE “Metrics MVP”

Country: Ireland
Business: Trust in SODA
Role: Principal Consultant

“I knew I could use Bullhorn better for myself to make more placements and understand my market better. And if there was a better way for me to be using the system, then the entire team should use it better, too.”


Bullhorn ATS/CRM
Bullhorn Marketplace: Sourcebreaker, cube19

Time to Make a Change

Oliver joined the Trust in SODA team when they were already established Bullhorn users, but he quickly realized that the team was not using Bullhorn to its full capacity. This made it difficult for Oliver and the rest of the team to successfully recruit and place candidates.

Every consultant had their own spreadsheet for their book of business, including tracking clients, open jobs, or qualified candidates. With everyone on a different system, visibility across the team suffered, making it difficult to start meaningful connections with candidates and clients.

Oliver wanted to market correctly to candidates and clients, shying away from spamming communications out in favor of proactive and accurate outreach instead. But, with a lack of quality data in the system, he knew he would have to be proactive to ensure the business—and his career—could grow.

Roadblocks to Progress

After diving into the analytics and metrics to gain insight on how the team used Bullhorn, Oliver met with key stakeholders across the business to get buy-in and provide the vision for how Bullhorn could look if everyone adopted key best practices. There were also duplicate records in the system, so Oliver and the team needed to clean up the data and show the team how to approach adding records in the future.

After leadership was on board with the changes, Oliver had to tackle the next challenge of getting everyone on the same page. Oliver, working out of the Dublin office, traveled to the other offices in London and Manchester to hold training sessions for more than 100 consultants. He created resources to showcase the vision of what their system could look like if they implemented the much-needed changes and adopted a new way of adding and managing data.

Reaping the Benefits

Trust in SODA focuses on measuring the quality of their contacts, clients, and candidates within each geographic area, rather than just the quantity. Previously, contacts were being added into the system but then were never able to be reached because of inaccurate data. Now, the team is able to more closely measure and report on their communications since they are qualified, relevant connections.

As a result of championing this change to better usage and adoption of Bullhorn, Trinnovo Group, Trust in SODA’s parent company, named Oliver their 2019 MVP. The entire organization voted to award Oliver with this title after his dedication to training the team on best practices and ensuring ongoing success with Bullhorn.

Why make a change now?

“It was quite evident that Bullhorn wasn’t being used to its maximum capacity and both the data quality and quantity were lacking. We needed to get to a point where our data was correct, and therefore our candidates and clients would receive relevant communications based on accurate data, proving our value as a company. If you have a CRM that is accurate and scalable, it’s easier to bring new employees on, get them up to speed, and have them get value out of the system.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“There was resistance initially when consultants didn’t immediately see the benefits. They had their routines in place already, so we had to get those users to truly adopt the new approach rather than us just delivering the changes. Following up and getting consultants to see the benefit of the new way of doing things was key.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“We’re now adding quality data to the system correctly, which leads to better conversations and a better candidate and client experience overall. There’s definitely been a positive change with consultants using the system effectively and then seeing the positive results from that effort.“

I have the wonderful opportunity to leverage my passion for technology towards the goal of helping today’s largest staffing businesses grow their client base and put the world to work. Our customers are excited about the possibilities of digital transformation right now. We’re helping them increase operational efficiency by automating low-value tasks and prioritizing high-value opportunities.
Shaun Weise Enterprise UK&I, Bullhorn

THE “Reporting Rockstar”

Country: United Kingdom
Business: Silver Swan Recruitment
Role: Managing Director

“I think we’re more streamlined and effective as a business, my reporting is easier, and it’s a better experience for the candidates now that they can track where they are in the recruitment process.”


Bullhorn ATS/CRM
Bullhorn Marketplace: Textkernel

Time to Make a Change

The Silver Swan team was in the process of building their own integrated job board when they realized it would not integrate properly with their CRM at the time. Pair this with their existing concerns over reporting capabilities and poor customer service around those reporting concerns, and Philippa’s team knew they had to make a change.

The goal, aside from getting on a system that would work with their new job portal, was to get everyone on a platform that was easy for the consultants to use and that would provide accurate reporting and insights into the business.

Consultants were using different excel spreadsheets alongside the CRM, making it difficult to find the data they needed. Silver Swan works with clients all over the world, with a majority of clients local to London or Dubai, so getting everyone on the same platform with consistent information – that they could report on – was crucial.

Roadblocks to Progress

Philippa’s main roadblock when making the change was getting everyone on board with the timing and reducing any negative effects of downtime. Silver Swan was already developing their jobs integration and couldn’t put the project on hold.

There was also a concern with making sure their valuable data was successfully migrated from their current system to Bullhorn. Since accessing improved reporting was a key driver in making a change in the first place, data accuracy throughout the change process was vital.

Reaping the Benefits

Since making a change, Silver Swan has been able to fully utilize their job portal integration and can accurately report on key business metrics using ATS/CRM data. They are able to contact Support services efficiently, getting a quick resolution to their questions. With the inclusion of Textkernel, they can conduct more targeted candidate searches and ensure they are making the best connections between candidates and clients.

Even better: Silver Swan has been more successful in converting current clients, the team is able to get more done each day, and the consultants have seen an increase in candidate placements.

Why make a change now?

“The crux came when we were developing our integrated job board and our previous system was limited and we were forced to look for a new system because our current system was never going to work with our new piece of technology. In order for the development to continue and our business to grow, we had to move.”


What were the roadblocks to change?

“Nobody likes change, so there were some eye rolls from the consultants along the way. If it was up to them, they wouldn’t do anything, but once I explained the benefits of making this change and how it would improve their jobs, they got on board.”


How has making a change helped your business?

“User experience has definitely improved on Bullhorn and internal processes are easier now, including setting up and tracking KPIs and reporting on key metrics. I think we’re more streamlined and effective as a business, my reporting is easier, and it’s a better experience for the candidates now that they can track where they are in the recruitment process.”

THE “Partner Proponent”

Country: United States
Business: Per Sé Group
Role: Director of Technology

“The chance to make a significant impact with an organization that was ready, willing, and able to execute on technology innovation has been exciting since day 1. Change starts from the top with an organizational willingness to put the necessary  resources in place to help our team achieve and exceed our goals.”

Time to Make a Change

Jason joined Per Sé Group after Chris O’Neill, CEO and President, recognized the importance in investing in technology in order to remain at the forefront of recruitment technology and innovation. Chris knew that efficiency and productivity for the entire organization would improve if the team adopted better ATS/CRM practices and incorporated more Bullhorn Marketplace partners into their technology stack.

With this commitment to technology, Jason began by focusing on the Per Sé technology inefficiencies and evaluating the business’ core processes. From operations to sales and recruiting to back-office, Jason quickly discovered key areas of the business – such as productivity, user experience, and revenue – that could be further improved using Bullhorn Marketplace partners geared towards those goals.

Roadblocks to Progress

For Jason, there were two key challenges in the way of getting the most out of Bullhorn and the new Marketplace partners: time and adoption.

Since the entire team at Per Sé Group is passionate about technology, their eagerness to adopt many new tools at once often worked against them and they found themselves slowed by the drive to do everything.

Second, Jason knew that getting the team to adopt the new practices and technologies would be key to ongoing success. Having used tools in the past that were not up to par, Jason focused on ensuring the Marketplace partners were the right ones for the team.

Through discussions with key stakeholders, user feedback, and ongoing training classes, Jason’s team has been able to keep the changes moving forward rather than getting stuck or stalling progress.

Reaping the Benefits

Since successfully navigating the change towards better ATS/CRM adoption, plus adding new Bullhorn Marketplace partners to their tech stack, the team has seen numerous improvements across the business, and the Per Sé team already has ideas for what to focus on next.

Not only had the team seen gains in revenue, efficiency, and key recruitment metrics like starts, but Jason has also noticed an improvement in his team’s user experience. Overall, the business has doubled down on its dedication to technology and it’s clearly paying off. With the core platform and tools in place, Per Sé Group can now focus on growing the business and continuing to provide a great experience to their candidates and clients.

Why make a change now?

“We were constantly reinventing the wheel. We would do something and then there’d be change or turnover and later, someone would recreate the same thing. We figured if we can make things a little bit easier to repeat over and over again and make sure it’s the right process from the beginning, it will only help with efficiency and productivity gains.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“There’s always the challenge of adopting new technologies and breaking old habits. We’ve had technologies in the past that didn’t work the way we needed and the adoption of them was slow. Adoption challenges are certainly reduced when something is introduced and it does what you promised it would do.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“We’ve definitely seen a jump in efficiency and starts, which coincides with a jump in revenue. Our recruiters are more productive and I think this will continue as we maximize what we have in place and continue to implement more tools.  Everybody likes getting their job done easier, faster, and better.”

"You have to sense change coming and be prepared to be ahead of it. Those who sit by and dig their feet in the ground, don't survive or grow. It's scary to change your process, especially one that is long-established and has worked for you, but it really is important that people not just pick what they have now and put it on new software."
Melissa Rosen VP, Bullhorn Consulting Services, Bullhorn

THE “Research Renegade”

Country: United States
Business: Ellig Group
Role: Managing Director

“Because of the limitations of our previous system, we couldn’t pull the data we really needed. With Invenias you can do really complex searches and pull out what you need from the system. Now we have much better research results.”

Time to Make a Change

As an executive search firm, Ellig Group utilizes its existing network for 50-60% of its candidate outreach, so the company relies heavily on its database for key insights and search results in just a few clicks. However, up until 2018, the team used a legacy system that slowed efficiency to a halt: they had to conduct searches manually, sending to a mailing list was cumbersome, and a lack of new features or innovation meant the search process wouldn’t ever get easier.

Joy Lillis, the Managing Director of Ellig Group, and her team needed to be able to conduct robust searches, communicate effectively to their customers through a centralized portal, and generate reports to better understand areas for improvement— capabilities that their system just didn’t have. Joy used Invenias by Bullhorn at a prior job and knew that it was the solution that fit executive search and their analytical needs the best.

Roadblocks to Progress

The first obstacle Joy encountered during the change process centered around cost, so she focused on showing the CEO the benefits of a new system. To prove the necessity for a change, she conducted a cost ratio analysis and compared the features of their old system to what they’d have access to with Invenias by Bullhorn.

Second, Joy and the rest of the team needed to adopt the new system and be trained to use it. Ellig Group used the power user approach: Joy and one other colleague answered questions and provided hands-on training to encourage adoption.

With a steep learning curve between the old and new systems, it was crucial to get everyone acquainted with the new system to ensure ongoing success. So far, they’ve found that new hires ramp up quickly. They’ve also discovered that everyone has adopted the system well since making the initial transition.

Reaping the Benefits

Ellig Group made the change in order to win more searches and decrease time to close—both of which they’ve been able to achieve. They can now conduct deeper research into why they win searches using Invenias by Bullhorn’s reporting functionality. The customer portal has played a key part in streamlining the search process and providing a better client experience.

Furthermore, Joy’s team has improved their marketing efforts with targeted mailing lists, cut down on time wasted, and they’ve streamlined the entire recruitment process. These improvements help Ellig Group, but more importantly, help their clients provide the best candidates for their open searches.

Why make a change now?

“With our old system, it used to take us forever to put together reports because we would have to do it manually. Our previous system didn’t have a good analytics platform or a customer portal and it took a long time to do upgrades. It wasn’t cutting it in terms of what a tool should be doing and the vendor didn’t have partnerships with other technologies. I felt we could do better.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“The biggest challenge was the learning curve. We needed to get training and it can always be overwhelming for people that aren’t used to working with database systems. There’s so much you can do with it that it’s almost overwhelming to learn all the possibilities. There’s a lot to take in with such a powerful tool, it’s a blessing and curse at the same time.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“I believe research is the foundation of any search, and Invenias by Bullhorn has helped make that process better. We can put people into the system, search through data, and contact people more quickly. We’re able to produce better results for our customers, which makes us more successful in the long run.”

THE “Transformation Trendsetter”

Country: The Netherlands
Business: Florys Group
Role: Marketing Director

“We want to continuously optimize the candidate experience within the organization. Bullhorn plays a key role in achieving that. We are looking to the future, while also exploring other tools that integrate with Bullhorn to do this in an even better way.”


Bullhorn ATS/CRM
Bullhorn Marketplace: Kyloe Partners

Time to Make a Change

When Tjeerd joined Intro Personeel, a brand within Florys Group, as a recruiter, he saw that the need for change had existed for years. The organization worked with UBplus, a remuneration package, which also functioned as an ATS/CRM. The company had grown and their solution no longer satisfied their needs.

The team at Intro Personeel lost a lot of time on manual tasks, including preparing CVs and searching for candidates and vacancies. They wanted to make better use of their own database. With seven branches, it was crucial to ensure that candidates and vacancies were shared between the various branches. Coupled with the growing size of Intro Personeel, it was clear that it was time to switch to a more robust recruitment solution.

Roadblocks to Progress

The next step was to get this change on the strategic agenda. After his promotion to Director of Innovation, Marketing, and IT, Tjeerd worked on creating support among key end-users. Luckily, Intro Personeel mainly consists of junior employees who are hungry to improve. In addition, most of Tjeerd’s colleagues realized that there was now an enormously high mental workload. For many recruiters, candidate and client data lived only in their heads, which created a lot of pressure on the rest of the business.

It was also important to include all the different suppliers throughout the change process. To make sure this went well, Florys created a steering committee. The steering committee took care of the implementation of Bullhorn with both internal and external stakeholders. This included an external IT partner that could provide valuable and independent advice. From web developers to the back office team, eight to ten technology partners came together for a kick-off to discuss the progress of the project to ensure a successful implementation. And with success: all partners involved in the original movement towards change are still part of the tech stack at Florys. No one said goodbye; Bullhorn was just an important extra piece of the puzzle.

Reaping the Benefits

Since the change towards digital transformation, Florys can see the positive effects within the entire organization. Recruiters have more time because of the reduction in administrative tasks and turnover is declining. With various integrations through the open API of Bullhorn, they can generate even better management reports.

The organization is currently exploring new pieces of the puzzle: marketing automation and candidate experience tools that can contribute to improving services. The team is working more efficiently and therefore has more time for things like building real relationships with candidates.

Why make a change now?

“Innovation is important and software is becoming more and more integral to overall business success. The role of the recruiter is changing. When I took on the role of Director, it became easier to bring this change to attention and make it happen. And luckily, the timing worked out!”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“I’m actually most proud of the adoption of Bullhorn among the employees, both at Intro Personeel and at our software partners. We were going to replace the basic process with a better one, but it wasn’t as if we were saying goodbye to partners with whom we had a long working relationship. On the contrary: those close relationships ensured that together, we were able to achieve this change successfully. The entire organization is very positive about the ease of use and speed. We see now that people have time for other things.”

“Recruiter productivity is paramount to recruitment agencies, regardless of whether the market is candidate- or job-driven. Making smart technology choices enables recruiters to be more efficient, allowing them to focus on what is most important: building strong and long lasting client and candidate relationships.”
Mitesh Ashar SVP, Product Management, Bullhorn

THE “Cloud Champion”

Country: Ireland
Business: The Panel
Role: Director & Managing Partner

“Bullhorn is more than a CRM – it is a recruitment management hub. It is a best-in-class cloud platform partnering with best-in-class recruitment technology providers. This was another key factor in us moving to the Bullhorn platform.”


Bullhorn ATS/CRM
Bullhorn Marketplace: Daxtra, cube19, CloudCall, Kyloe Partners

Time to Make a Change

Having been in the recruitment industry for 30+ years, Paul has a good understanding of what his firm, The Panel, needs to be successful, including efficient employees and reliable, future-proofed technology. However, their old system didn’t set The Panel up for success. Between subpar customer service and outdated technology, Paul knew they needed to transition towards better technology.

While attending RAE UK, Paul quickly saw that cloud-based technology could ensure his team would achieve their business goals while having the flexibility and freedom to work from anywhere. Their technology at the time utilized remote access technology, which Paul found limiting. In order to continue to grow the business, Paul knew a cloud-based system was the natural next step for his team.

Roadblocks to Progress

Learning and adopting a brand new system presented its own set of challenges for Paul’s team, including determining key differentiators between the old and new platforms to ensure that each user was able to successfully adopt the new way of doing things. This required investing time and resources into training employees on best practices. To keep the momentum going, Paul’s team still holds weekly training sessions to ensure ongoing success with Bullhorn.

Another key roadblock to overcome was the price difference between The Panel’s legacy system and new technology. Bullhorn was more expensive than their previous solution, so a thorough cost analysis was necessary. Knowing that a) the business had to move to the cloud eventually and b) “you get what you pay for” helped make this decision a bit easier for senior management, and once everyone saw the benefits of embracing digital transformation, changing their technology was a no-brainer.

Reaping the Benefits

After making the change to Bullhorn and newer technology, The Panel is able to better run their business using data-rich insights gathered from the ATS/CRM and cube19, something that wasn’t as attainable on their previous system.

Bullhorn users at The Panel are finding success within the system and are noticing gains in productivity and candidate/client experience. The Panel created an internal User Adoption Team made of superusers that run weekly training sessions to help the team adopt the system, increasing buy-in and leading to an overall successful implementation.

Why make a change now?

“When I went to RAE UK, I realized that technology had grown so much. Our existing system was like a stick shift car with manual gears but Bullhorn was fully automatic. The possibility of using Bullhorn as a hub for other technologies was very exciting. It was a mix of frustration with our current product and looking around at the possibilities that existed with a system like Bullhorn.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“We knew we had to go to the cloud eventually, and once we looked at cloud options, the prices weren’t that different after all. When we started to think about future-proofing our business, moving to a more-expensive cloud system was an investment for not just today or tomorrow, but for the next five to ten years of our business.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“We are future-proofing our business. We needed to get on the cloud to take advantage of the best cloud products. We want our recruiters to have access to the best recruitment technology so they can provide the candidates and clients with the best results. Recruiters speak to candidates about roles they have a general interest in and clients see candidates that are relevant to the vacancies they have.”

THE “Development Driver”

Country: New Zealand
Business: Tribe Recruitment
Role: Head of Knowledge & Research

“Every day, we’re navigating our way through new opportunities, tools, and apps to develop our business, internally and externally.”


Bullhorn ATS/CRM – Bullhorn Onboarding – Herefish by Bullhorn
Bullhorn Marketplace: Kyloe Partners

Time to Make a Change

When Tribe was first founded, its founders knew they wanted to operate differently from their competitors. They recognized that recruitment has its own unique technology needs and they wanted those game-changing tools at their fingertips. Chelsi and her team sought to evolve Tribe’s capabilities and tools and earn the reputation of technology leaders within the competitive recruitment industry.

Chelsi knew Tribe needed to identify and implement a new ATS/CRM given the growth of the agency in just four short years. Their consultants had outgrown their old ATS/CRM and the organization knew they needed a more sophisticated system as they moved to their next phase.

Roadblocks to Progress

For any small to medium business, there’s never a perfect time to implement change, especially given the nature of the recruitment industry. Finances were also a major considering, as there were significant upfront costs and long-term investments. Chelsi and her team were fortunate to have the business’ full trust and support once they completed the due diligence process and presented the business case to make the change to a new ATS/CRM.

Once the change was put in motion, Chelsi made sure they had a clear project plan and timelines for her team. The entire business remained informed on what to expect via clear and concise communication, ensuring the team embraced the new systems.

Reaping the Benefits

Since making the transition 1 year ago, Chelsi and her team are discovering new features and capabilities every day. She maintains open communication with all members of the team to constantly tweak and refine the system to better reflect Tribe’s evolving business practices.

The leadership team now has clear visibility on where the business stands at all times via access to key reporting metrics. Consultants have more structure and are now able to see their activity goals and personal KPIs, resulting in better adoption and usage of the system. Further, the use of automation has given Tribe great time-saving and efficiency gains across the business.

Why make a change now?

“We needed to ensure that every data point in the business is collated via our ATS/CRM. There are still some practices that need work to make this happen but the changes so far have ensured we are able to rely on and trust in the system.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“As a small business, price and implementation cost was an obvious barrier to overcome along with allocating dedicated resources to effectively manage the process, our data, and the roll-out.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“We’ve seen an increased number of roles filled from our database, which is a direct result of increased usability, searchability, mobility, and clean up-to-date data.”

“With change comes innovation. When companies embrace change and work towards digital transformation in their organization, it will enable their employees to think of ideas and solve problems in new, efficient, and innovative ways, thereby setting themselves up in the path of success.”
Amrutha Rejiv Principal Software Architect, Bullhorn

THE “Agile Advocate”

Country: Ireland
Business: Cpl Resources
Role: CIO

“The important thing for me was actively communicating the changes to our colleagues outside of IT. Making sure people feel that they’ve been heard before the change and then can see the positive results is huge.”

Time to Make a Change

A few weeks after joining Cpl, James recognized there was a need for change within the IT department in order to improve the overall responsiveness of the team and the effectiveness with which colleagues were using their systems including their recruitment software: Bullhorn Jobscience. To learn more, he went out into the business with his favorite tool—Post-It notes—and asked the entire office to write what worked and what they would change within the IT department.

The good news: everyone thought the IT team was made up of great people. The bad news: there was a lack of transparency into the IT team’s processes. People didn’t know when their requests would be completed and didn’t understand why some work was not prioritized. This led to a lack of adoption of Jobscience, which meant that people had to work harder than they should have to provide a great experience to candidates and clients.

Issues with the system which were raised by the business were dismissed because there wasn’t data to back them up. James had to gather more information on the frequency of the issues and dive into what his team could do about it. Cpl needed a better process to help prioritize IT requests and to ensure the business continued to grow and to maximize the use of Bullhorn Jobscience.

Roadblocks to Progress

Team members at Cpl had been used to requesting stuff from IT without having to explain why it was needed, which led to urgent asks being prioritized over important requests on a daily basis. This became the main roadblock for James: he had to shift the mindset of his colleagues and get them to make the business case for changes they needed, proving the value of the update before IT tackled it.

Originally, recruiters and others at Cpl were reluctant to make the business case because they didn’t know how to and they thought it would take a long time. In the past, they would submit Help Desk tickets and then grow frustrated when the tickets were delayed or dismissed. With an agile approach, changes are more inclusive, engaging, and the organization better values the IT team.

James also held one-on-one meetings with the senior leadership team to understand their frustrations and led brainstorming sessions so that everyone had input and was on board with the changes.

Reaping the Benefits

Now the entire organization is bought-in and on-board with the agile development method, allowing them to use Bullhorn Jobscience much better. Members of the business write very short business cases for changes that they think will truly benefit Cpl and explain how, and why. The team holds regular prioritization meetings to ensure full transparency into the work they’re doing and how it helps the organization.

The number of Help Desk tickets has declined, proving James’s method is working and that IT is successfully communicating their Bullhorn Jobscience updates to the business. Rather than being bombarded with frustrated colleagues, James’s team can focus on making changes that truly benefit the team and will help recruiters be more successful with Bullhorn Jobscience.

Why make a change now?

“We had an IT team focused on operations but not necessarily on delivering change. The business often had a difficult relationship with IT. Whenever someone saw a bug, they didn’t get good answers as to what’s happening. We didn’t have good communication with our own IT team to understand the status of requests, why certain changes were happening, or why changes weren’t completed.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“If the decision between the two options is close, it doesn’t matter which one you choose. It matters more that everybody gets behind the one you chose and moves forward with it together. It’s fundamental that everyone is on board.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“The bottom line will take care of itself if you do everything else right. Since making a change to agile software methods, we’ve had phenomenal results. Now, people want to tell me the IT team is doing a great job as opposed to how frustrated they are with the platform. The conversations now are more positive and we can all get on with serving our clients and candidates exceptionally well”

THE “Growth Guru”

Country: The Netherlands
Business: Eiffel
Role: Manager Recruitment

“Before the change, we noticed that we were using a system where we were not able to get insights into all the steps within our process. It was not clear through which channels candidates were coming in and we couldn’t measure the time-to-hire. That needed to change.”


Bullhorn ATS/CRM
Bullhorn MarketplaceOnRecruit

Time to Make a Change

Leontine started at Eiffel as Manager Recruitment in April 2019. Before that, she had worked in recruitment for several years within both agencies and international organizations. When Leontine started at Eiffel, the work to improve the team’s current recruitment processes began as well. The organization didn’t use a centralized system and they didn’t have brand awareness within the industry. It was time to take Eiffel to the next level and further grow the company.

For Leontine, it became clear quickly: Eiffel needed an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to improve the candidate experience and get more insight into what was happening with their candidates. With a clear wishlist, Leontine made the choice to partner with Bullhorn in 2019 and take the next step towards digital transformation by better utilizing Eiffel’s ATS/CRM data.

Roadblocks to Progress

In order to grow, Eiffel had to innovate. Leontine noticed that the system they worked with previously didn’t provide insights into the recruitment process; you could only see the most recent status of a candidate and it was never clear from which channel the candidate had come.

Now, Leontine and her team are in the process of rolling out Bullhorn to the organization. Leontine recognizes that getting to know and adopting a completely new software brings some resistance. Recruiters need to learn how to use Bullhorn ATS and figure out the most efficient ways to make the system work for them. Eiffel invested time and resources into training their recruiters to make sure the solution fits the company as well as possible, including creating a complete manual to make the adoption process smooth.

Reaping the Benefits

Even though they have only recently implemented Bullhorn, Eiffel already sees the positive effects within the entire organization. They now have insights into which channels are more successful than others, the integration with Bullhorn Marketplace Partner OnRecruit helps provide a clearer understanding of the candidate journey, and their dashboards are taking shape. With these changes, Eiffel can make better management decisions to grow the business.

Eiffel is already thinking about the next steps to further optimize and digitize their processes. By keeping a close eye on technology trends, they want to make use of innovation to create the most efficient recruitment process possible. The efficiency of the team has already improved, which means recruiters are able to focus even more on what really matters: the candidate experience.

Why make a change now?

“I was hired at Eiffel to make a change within the organization. We wanted to realize a certain growth as a company and transform it into a data-driven recruitment team. You really need a powerful ATS/CRM for that. It’s the backbone of recruitment.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“We used to have a system which didn’t give us any insights into processes, it was not clear where candidates were coming from, and we couldn’t measure time-to-hire. We needed to make a 180-degree change. Otherwise, we would not be able to achieve our growth goals.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“We went live at the beginning of January, so it’s still early. However, we already see a huge improvement in the data we can access and we can use data to make better business decisions in the future.”

“With digital transformation, you can receive and deliver more accurate insights, provide a better customer experience overall, increase transparency, and encourage interdepartmental collaboration.”
Dominic Herbert Team Lead, SMB UK, Bullhorn

THE “People Person”

Country:  New Zealand
Business: Inside Recruitment
Role: Associate Director, People Experience

“At Inside Recruitment, my role is to focus on the people experience, ensuring candidates, clients, and staff enjoy a refreshingly personal experience with us.”


Bullhorn ATS/CRM
Bullhorn Marketplace: Kyloe PartnersJXT

Time to Make a Change

When Kate joined Inside Recruitment in 2018, her role was to ensure that all candidates, clients, and internal staff enjoyed a refreshingly personal experience. Her first goal was to design a ‘Candidate Experience Program’ so that all their people would have a consistent, positive experience both pre- and post-placement.

As Kate went to different parts of the business to understand their processes for reporting and monitoring the candidate and client experience, she found that while they had a high standard for service, the systems weren’t used to their full potential. The team adapted their own offline tools to manage their candidates and clients, resulting in unreliable data in their ATS. To emulate their success in candidate satisfaction across the business as it grew, Kate knew things would need to change.

Roadblocks to Progress

With her previous experience working at a large recruitment agency, Kate saw the importance of capturing all candidate and client data within the ATS. However, each member of the team used their own method of data entry and since the agency wasn’t measuring performance using insights from the ATS, key features of the system were not fully utilized. Also, the system wasn’t completely integrated with their timesheet, payroll, or accounting systems, presenting the team with further challenges.

Despite the initial cost factor, Inside Recruitment called in the services of Kyloe Partners to assist in the reinvention and configuration of their back-end processes. This gave them access to experienced consultants to ensure they were implementing best practices for their business. By working with senior leadership as well as the wider team, Kate was able to identify where they needed to make changes to deliver the true “people experience” to everyone involved with Inside Recruitment.

Reaping the Benefits

Since overhauling their internal processes and improving their usage of Bullhorn, the business has seen major time savings throughout the recruitment process. The team is able to place candidates in half the time and there is no double-entry of information into different systems that aren’t connected, allowing for more accurate weekly reporting in the ATS and more consistent metrics tracking. The finance team is more integrated with the rest of the business via the back end, resulting in a better experience for internal staff.

Looking forward, Kate continues to work towards her broader goal of providing the best experience for all candidates, clients, and internal staff by looking into where automation can further accelerate business processes.

Why make a change now?

“Offline management tools had reduced the quality and integrity of the data in our system and, in turn, people didn’t trust the system to provide them with the right information, creating a cycle of poor information and data. For us to roll out a candidate experience program that included both service delivery from our consultants and future use of automation, we needed to ensure that our data was clean and reliable.”

What were the roadblocks to change?

“Trying to make changes to a process embedded for several years proved to be challenging. Poor data entry habits had grown across the business.”

How has making a change helped your business?

“By successfully removing offline manual processes, it has freed up more of our team’s time and reduced errors now that we look to one system for all our placement data.”

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A Guide To Recruiting Under New Regulations: Bullhorn’s Post-GDPR Toolkit Mon, 30 Aug 2021 00:57:56 +0000

Focus on Recruitment Marketing

Within the confines of these new regulations it’s no surprise that the way your agency communicates and engages with both candidates and clients will change. You need to identify your key differentiators, build a brand, and become a recognised expert in your segment or industry:

What are your key differentiators against your competitors?
In an increasingly competitive market, how can your agency stand out from the crowd? Take the time to identify your key differentiators, your unique selling points, and build a strong brand that reflects these. If your agency goes that step further and provides services like reskilling or reporting, be sure to incorporate this into your brand.

What’s your online presence like?
Is your agency proactive online? And does your online activity communicate your unique selling points? In this digital age, it’s never been easier to utilise social media channels to engage with others in our industry; create, like, comment on, and share relevant thought-provoking content. Be sure to invest in content and activity that is value-add oriented.

Do your consultants live and breath your brand?
We often look at candidate profiles to make an assessment but remember they’re actively assessing us in the same way too. Make sure your recruiters reflect your agency’s brand online and establish themselves – and by extension, your company – as reliable and knowledgeable sources of expertise for candidates and clients alike.

Experience Is Everything

It is essential for recruiters to provide the best candidate experience possible to keep candidates happy, boosting referrals, and coming back.

This might seem simple enough, but did you know:

  • 20% of agencies place less than 15% of candidates on their next assignment
  • ⅓ redeploy fewer than 25% of existing candidates.

Make sure you have top-notch onboarding and redeployment processes in place to keep candidate engagement streamlined and to notify you when candidates become available.

Developing Candidate Sourcing Strategy

Now that it’s harder to source due to tightened regulations that restrict the ways you can approach candidates, it’s vital that you develop a strong sourcing strategy. Here are some key ways you can easily develop a top-notch strategy.


Turn to social media platforms like Google+, Linkedin, Facebook, Xing, or Twitter. After all, 48 per cent of candidates used social media to search for their most recent job.


Join and explore relevant online communities such as GitHub and Stack Overflow, especially when sourcing technical candidates.


Have some great websites, apps, and extensions in your arsenal, e.g., Yippy, Indeed, SimplyHired, Owler, HootSuite, Hootlet etc.

“We have to build stronger personal and corporate brands via social media platforms, sharing knowledge and extra value content that positions you as an expert in your field.”
– Louise Triance, MD, UK Recruiter

More Tips

Use What You Have At Your Disposal

Be sure to utilise what you have at your disposal by unlocking hidden data. Prioritise reporting to make sure your efforts to implement GDPR compliance strategies are continuously monitored. To keep abreast of these top post-GDPR recruitment tips, you need to know your business inside and out.

Unlocking key insights hidden in this data can enable you to understand your business better and create a community of shared and accessible data within your organisation, something of particular value when resourcing under the new GDPR regulations.

Invest in an analytics suite to understand the size of your database, business health, employee performance, time spent, and available resources.

Turn Your CRM from Good to Great

You’ve already invested in software to make recruiting more efficient. But why just use your CRM for the basics? Why not make it another secret weapon in your post-GDPR toolkit?

Strong opt-in/opt-out/export features can help you leverage the data you already have, to engage candidates, run nurturing campaigns, know when people are coming off of jobs, and re-engage them.

You can also consider additional technologies that plug in to your CRM and help drive further value right away.


Herefish helps turn forgotten candidates into a valuable talent pool  – drive engagement and place more candidates.



Salesfusion helps businesses to create meaningful connections, generate more pipeline, and drive more revenue.

Simply put, Bullhorn allows us the flexibility and freedom to put our stakeholders’ experience first. It's our lifeline to initially sourcing candidates. We couldn’t run our business effectively without Bullhorn.
Joshua Albucker Pride Health

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