Customer Blog Posts - Bullhorn EU Applicant Tracking & Recruiting Software Fri, 17 Sep 2021 21:11:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customer Blog Posts - Bullhorn EU 32 32 Build With Billy: Follow Up With Candidates Who Viewed a Job but Didn’t Apply Fri, 17 Sep 2021 19:35:24 +0000 With this Build with Billy recruitment automation video, quickly build an automation to follow up with candidates who viewed a job but didn’t apply for it. In other words, these candidates haven’t hit your application inbox but have shown interest in positions on your website.

Identify and engage with candidate leads using this recruitment automation in Herefish by Bullhorn. Below, check out the video to learn how to create this automation step-by-step.

How to Follow Up with Candidate Leads

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Automation and select ‘Candidate-based.’
  2. Name your automation. Maybe something like ‘Candidate Leads (Viewed Job But Didn’t Apply).’ Click Save.
  3. Automation Enrollment will automatically open. Click ‘Create New List.’
  4. Under List Settings, select ‘Always Updated’ as the type of list and then name your list.
  5. Enter your search criteria using the dropdown under ‘Total number of candidates that match this search.’ Your search criteria should be:
    1. ‘Has Activity’ is set to Job View within the last two days.
    2. Add an ‘And’ search criteria and choose ‘Does Not Have Activity’, ‘Job Apply’, and set the timeframe to within the last two days.
      • Job View and Job Apply come from the Herefish Settings, under Website Tracking. You can have these automatically populated. If you do not have these set up, you can still accomplish this automation by including specific URLs in the first two steps. 
  6. Click Save under List Settings, then click Save under Automation Enrollment.
  7. Click the plus sign to add a new step to your automation. Select ‘Send Notification.’
    • Here, you are creating a daily notification to alert your team of candidate leads to follow up with.
  8. Select Daily and choose ‘From Template’.
    • Here is where you would give your notification a subject line and choose who it is being sent to. You can also customise the message of the notification roll-up. 
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click the plus sign and select End Automation.
  11. Important final step: click Automation Settings and make sure the box for Candidates can re-enter automation is checked. In this example, Billy sets this timeframe to four days.
  12. Click Save.

Build This Recruitment Automation

Need more information on how to build out this recruitment automation? Watch the video below to see Billy Davis build the automation for you:

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September 2021 Product Updates and Enhancements Fri, 17 Sep 2021 19:34:04 +0000 Curious what product updates and enhancements we’re launching in Bullhorn this month? Read on to explore the highlights of the September 2021 Bullhorn release and what it means for you. We roll our updates out in phases, so if you don’t see these changes reflected in Bullhorn yet, you can expect to see the following highlights in your instance by the end of the month.

Missed both product updates last month? Check out the August 2021 release highlights while you’re here.

Updates to Bullhorn ATS & CRM

Bullhorn ATS


  • Erase-Related Enhancement (Data Mirror 8): When a Contact, Candidate, or Lead is erased from Bullhorn for GDPR purposes, the record of their existence will also be removed from Data Mirror.
    • I.e., Data Mirror 8 blanks out the appropriate fields tied to an anonymised record upon replication from Bullhorn.
  • Erase-Related Enhancement: When a Candidate is erased from Bullhorn for GDPR purposes, the record of their existence will also be removed from Mass Mailing history.*
    • I.e., An erased candidate’s email will not show up as a recipient of previous Mass Mailings they received.

       * Note: this enhancement affects both S Release and Novo.


  • costCenter Value Transfer (Job Order > Placement): The value from the ‘costCenter’ field now transfers directly from the Job Order record to the Placement record.
    • I.e., If the costCenter value in a job order was listed as Professional Staffing – Northeast, the same value will be brought over to the costCenter field of the placement record made from this job.

Product Updates for Bullhorn VMS Sync

Bullhorn VMS Integration

VMS Sync

  • ARMI Integration: A new email-only integration has been added for the ARMI VMS. 
  • GrapeTree updated to Contingent Talent Management VMS: All existing “GrapeTree” VMS integrations have been updated to “Contingent Talent Management” as the more universal name for the VMS technology. There is now more support for other buyers in the CTM system.

VMS Sync Admin Tools

  • Staffbot VMS: Update Credential Requirements: Streamlined required fields for new Staffbot VMS integrations.


For a complete look at September’s product updates, please visit the full release notes.

Build With Billy: Identify and Engage With Past Clients Fri, 17 Sep 2021 19:32:24 +0000 Do you want a system that will continually get you new opportunities and job orders? Do you want to stay top of mind with clients you’ve worked with previously? Identify and engage with past clients you’ve done business with but that you are not currently working with, using this recruitment automation in Herefish by Bullhorn.

Create a drip campaign of quality touch points and content to continually work generate opportunities and job orders. Even if they don’t have a current opening, this automation enables you to stay top of mind with past clients, so when they have job openings, they think of you and not your competitors.

Check out this Build with Billy video to learn how to do this automation step-by-step.

How to Identify and Engage With Past Clients

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Automation and select ‘Sales Contact-based.’
  2. Name your automation. Maybe something like ‘Past Client Leads.’ Click Save.
  3. Automation Enrollment will automatically open. Click ‘Create New List.’
  4. Under List Settings, select ‘Always Updated’ as the type of list and then name your list.
  5. Enter your search criteria using the dropdown under ‘Total number of sales contacts that match this search.’ Your search criteria should be:
    1. ‘Has Placement’ is set to any date.
    2. Add an ‘And’ search criteria and choose ‘Does Not Have Job’ + ‘less than’ + ’12 months’ ago.
    3. Add an ‘And’ search criteria and choose ‘Status’ + ‘is not’ + ‘no longer w/ company, DNC, Archive’ to ensure you’re targeting clients your team is interested in working with.
    4. Add an ‘And’ search criteria and choose ‘Company Status’ + ‘is not’ + ‘DNS, Unqualified, Archive, Not a fit’ to confirm that you’re capturing clients in good standing.
  6. Click Save under List Settings, then click Save under Automation Enrollment.
  7. Click the plus sign to add a new step to your automation. Select ‘Send Email.
    • Here is where you would give your email a subject line, choose who it is being sent from, and craft your message.
  8. Click the plus sign to add wait times between your email sends. You can choose to reach out monthly, quarterly, or however often you see fit.
    • Best practice tip: You can also set a notification to the company owner to let them know that you’re reaching out to their client to learn of new opportunities. 


Build This Recruitment Automation

Need more information on how to build out this recruitment automation? Watch the video below to see Billy Davis build the automation for you:


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Support Tip: How to Customise Bullhorn Standard Report Wed, 25 Aug 2021 19:51:59 +0000 In today’s world, reports play a significant role in the progress of a business. Reports are the backbone of the thinking process and, to a great extent, are responsible for evolving an efficient or inefficient work environment. 

Many of us use reports to:

  • Present adequate information on various aspects of the business.
  • Ensure the right decision is being made.
  • Aid in problem-solving.
  • Communicate the planning, policies, and other matters regarding an organization to the masses.

Read on to learn how to customise Bullhorn’s Standard Reports to ensure your team captures the most valuable insights to make critical business decisions.

Accessing Bullhorn Standard Reports

Let’s start by discussing the Standard Reports within Bullhorn. Administrators have access to view, run, and assign reports to designated users.  If you click on the Reporting icon within your Bullhorn Menu, you will have the option to expand the Standard Reports. Each report allows you to generate different data based on the specifications you’re wanting. 

Generating Reports

Once you’ve decided on the report, you would like to view, select ‘Run’ to generate that report. The Report Criteria screen will then load, allowing you to customise what data you would like to be displayed on that report. To ensure that information is captured correctly, check out this article on what each report captures: Understanding Bullhorn Standard Reports.

Report Criteria

The first two sections or fields on the Report Criteria page are most commonly related to the Time Frame in which you would like the data generated.

The middle sections pertain to the type of data you wish to display, which can be filtered by various entity fields such as Owner, Recruiter, Department, Client, etc. The bottom fields control how you view the data, whether within Bullhorn or via an Excel spreadsheet.

Additional Customisations to Bullhorn Standard Reports

Keep in mind that the customisations offered for each Standard Report essentially work in the same manner. If you wish to customise the reporting functionality further, we recommend reaching out to your Account Manager to discuss further options.

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Optimise Your Job Board for the July 2021 Google for Jobs Search Updates Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:59:37 +0000 Last week on July 13th, 2021, Google announced a few meaningful updates to their job posting guidelines. We at Matador Software have been helping our users build websites optimised for Google for Jobs Search since our launch in 2018, so we took note of this heads-up from Google. There are some minor but very impactful things included that anyone who runs a recruiting website that posts job ads to pay attention to!

Introduction of ‘directApply’ property

Google, as you may know, creates Google for Jobs Search results from “Structured Data.” Structured Data is special code not visible to a human user and written just for the indexing robots to summarize the job posting. Google only shows jobs in Google for Jobs Search that are provided with Structured Data.

Effective immediately, Google’s indexing robot can now read the new ‘directApply’ property. Google wants website operators that list jobs where a user can directly apply for the job to indicate this in the Structured Data.

The purpose of this change is to help Google highlight opportunities to users that are easy to apply for. What does that mean? Per the announcement, the following conditions must be met:

  • The user can complete the application process on the same website as the job posting without being redirected to another website.
  • Once arriving at the website from Google for Jobs Search results, the user should be either presented with the application on the same page as the job posting or need to click no more than one time to access the application.
  • The application should have no more than one step to complete.

So, therefore, to qualify to feature your roles as ‘directApply’ :

  • You must present a job application either on the page where your job description is located or a button on the page where your job description is located that goes directly to your application. Note that pop-up forms may be okay, but bear in mind they can create accessibility issues, which opens the door to other considerations.
  • You must not require a log-in or registration to a candidate portal prior to an application. If you allow registration or sign up, it must be in addition to a one-step application process.
  • You may not re-direct applicants to a third-party application service. The application form needs to be on the same website. 
  • You cannot have a multiple-step application. Keep your initial application short and simple and deploy automation (e.g., Hearfish, Sense) or redirect to a second “long-form” after the initial application is confirmed to ask your additional and complicated questions.

Although this change may not have an immediate impact, it is very likely that sites that feature ‘directApply’ will be positively impacted in Google for Jobs Search very soon.

We feel like this was added in response to the trend of the “cowboy” aggregators that have recently appeared. They scrape job data from recruiters’ websites and promote them on Google for Jobs Search. Unaware applicants click on links to these unauthorized third-party sites where they are bombarded with ads and must click a hard-to-find link to get back to the original recruiters’ websites to apply. The “directApply” property should help minimize the impact of this behavior, resulting in more traffic to the recruiters’ websites and less confusion for the user.

If your Job Board qualifies, your developer should add the “directApply” property to your Structured Data right away.

Users of the Bullhorn Marketplace Partner Matador Jobs board may install update 3.7.5, released July 19th, 2021, to feature their roles with ‘directApply’ automatically.

New editorial content policy

The second key discussion point on Google’s update was the announcement of a formal editorial content policy ( for Job Listings that will be enforced beginning October 1, 2021.

Before today, there were hints in Google’s Job Postings page suggesting such things as “don’t use excessive punctuation or capitals” and “avoid exaggeration.” Still, it seems like Google will soon be requiring users to adhere to those and other editorial standards.

With the stated goal of presenting only jobs that are easy to understand and apply for, Google noted the following key aspects of the editorial policy:

  • Use of proper spelling and grammar while avoiding capitalized words and excessive punctuation. 
  • Use of acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon should be limited to those that are well known and otherwise spelled out.
  • Avoid the use of obstructive text or images. 
  • No excessive or distractive ads. 
  • Avoid content included on the jobs page that doesn’t add any value to the job posting. 

Half of the editorial policy is about job titles and descriptions. Here are some tips for writing great job titles and descriptions based on our research and experience and the updates to the Job Postings editorial policy:

  • Write good content. Job Postings should accurately and efficiently describe the role without sounding like a sales pitch.
  • Avoid excessive use of superlative adjectives, especially those associated with exaggeration or hyperbole.
  • Don’t use all capital letters except when writing proper names or acronyms.
  • While “common, well-known” acronyms are allowed, we recommend you take it a step further and define every acronym or abbreviation the first time it is included in the job ad. For example, in the context of a site hiring for the medical field, “OR” might be well known, but write “Operating Room (OR)” in its first appearance.
  • On that note, if you can, use the HTML <abbr> and <acronym> tags to define all occurrences of these.
  • If you don’t have a copywriter on staff, consider a service like Grammarly ( to help you avoid spelling, common grammar, and writing style errors.

Other aspects of the Job Postings editorial policy are more a design concern than a writing concern:

  • To avoid obstructive text and images, don’t let pop-ups or pop-overs fill the screen or block your job ads. If you have a pop-up that asks users to sign up for job alerts, maybe prevent it from loading on job ads. Keep an eye out for other pop-ups like cookie policies or chatbots, and make sure they are as unobtrusive as possible.
  • To avoid triggering the “excessive ads” policy point, don’t have ads on your jobs page. We suspect most legitimate recruiter websites don’t have ads on their jobs pages anyway.
  • To avoid content that “doesn’t add value to the job posting,” which to us seems like the most subjective aspect of this policy, aim for no more than 30% of your page being unrelated to the job and its application. We’ve seen some recruiting companies add blocks of content under each job explaining their “process” or “culture,” and maybe this would be better accomplished with a link to the process or culture pages.

Improving Trust with Applicants

To close out their announcement, Google included several bullet points site operators can use to “improve job seeker trust.” This implies that the reasoning behind these changes is to improve users’ overall experience—and likely in part a response to the emergence of the “cowboy” aggregators we discussed in the “directApply” section.

  • No scammy/spammy posts.
  • Ensure a good user experience, with an emphasis on ease of use and minimal distractions/interruptions.
  • Remove expired postings. People don’t like clicking links that go to missing jobs.
  • Use genuine job posted date. Google wants us to avoid updating the date posted without materially changing the job details; don’t “bump” a job to the top of your list by updating your job date only.
  • Don’t use misleading information in the job details, like incorrect salary, shift times, or employment type.

We feel all our users and most, if not all, legitimate recruiters are following at least the first three of the five points in this section. Still, we do want to draw specific attention to the fourth point, which we’ve seen several of our users employ to push job listings to the top of the feed. If you want to update the date posted, be sure to update other aspects of the listing to not run afoul of Google’s expectations. 

Quality Content and User Experience

At the end of the day, this notice from Google only reinforces what has been the rule since day one of Google for Jobs Search: good user experience and honest, straightforward job postings.

Again, from our reading of these updates, it appears Google is seeking to improve the experience and root out the bad actors that have emerged. Given Google’s history of success in ensuring general search results quality, we are sure they will be successful and encourage all recruiters to adjust as necessary to comply with Google’s revised expectations.

Please read the notice directly (, but we took some time to break it down and add detail to help you make the most of your job postings for Google for Jobs Search.

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Dashboard Cards: How to Show Multiple Variations of the Same Card Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:58:50 +0000 Often we find ourselves having to run multiple reports to generate data that we need. We spend time trying to cipher through that information, condense it, and then evaluate it. Dashboard Cards in Bullhorn simplify that process for you by showing specific information in one centralized place – without having to deal with the hassle of reports. 

A couple of things to keep in mind when working with your Dashboard Cards in Bullhorn:

  • Each card functions the same. 
    • For specific information on each card and to inquire about what data is being pulled, you would navigate to the Bullhorn Community and type the name of the Dashboard Card into the Search. 
  • You can customize the cards with the “gear” icon.
    • If the “gear” icon is not available in the top right-hand corner of the card, then that card would not be customizable. 
  • Ease of access to the record information within the card by clicking on blue hyperlinks.
    • Depending on the card shown, the data is represented by number(s) and/or record information. 

For more information on Dashboard Cards, view this resource from the Bullhorn Community.

Creating Multiple Variations of the Same Card

Today, we are going to focus on being able to add multiple variations of the same card. In this example, we’ll be using the Start & Ends Dashboard Card.

First, you want to indicate which card you want to utilize by clicking on “Add Card” in the top right of your screen and choosing from the options available. 

Customizing Your Dashboard Cards

After selecting the appropriate card, you then want to customize the card by clicking on the “gear” in the top right corner of the card.  From there, you can input and edit information to customize your Dashboard Card further.

Note – The customization information will vary depending on the Dashboard Card selected. 

  1. Rename the card.
    1. This is very important when creating multiple of the same card.
    2. For example, Start & Ends “Company-Wide,” Start & Ends “My Team,” etc.
  2. Ensure the information displayed on the card is for the users desired. 
    1. All Jobs” – Company-Wide
    2. My Jobs” – Only Jobs that you own
    3. “Department” – Placements assigned to a specific department
    4. User” – Placements assigned to a specific user
  3. Enter any specific Placement-related details. (optional)
    1. “Client Company” – Placements from a specific company
    2. “Category” – Placements with a specific category(s) assigned.
    3. “Required Skills” – Placements with a specific skillset
    4. Industry” – Placements assigned to a specific industry. 
  4. Enter any other specific Placement details. (optional
    1. Employment Type” – Direct Hire, Temp, Contract, etc.
    2. Status” – Status of the Placement (approved, rejected, completed, etc.)
  5. Apply

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Build with Billy: How to Automatically Notify Submissions When the Job Closes Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:58:11 +0000 Are you looking for an easy way to boost candidate experience? Let pending applicants know automatically that the position they applied for is no longer available when a job closes. With this recruitment automation, you’ll never leave an applicant wondering what happened and keep candidates informed about other roles they may be interested in.

Check out this Build with Billy video to learn how to do this recruitment automation step-by-step.

How to Automatically Notify Submissions When the Job Closes

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Automation and select ‘Submission-based.’
  2. Name your automation. Maybe something like ‘Auto Notify Submitted Candidates When Job Closes.’ Click Save.
  3. Automation Enrollment will automatically open. Click ‘Create New List.’
  4. Under List Settings, select ‘Always Updated’ as the type of list and then name your list.
  5. Enter your search criteria using the dropdown under ‘Total number of submissions that match this search.’ Your search criteria should be:
    1. ‘Submission Status’ is 1st Interview, 2nd Interview, 3rd Interview, Interested, or Client Rejected.
      1. These may differ depending on your client’s process. The goal here is to capture any status that may signal the candidate is still in the submission process.
    2. Set a date to search against. In this example, Billy set the search for After June 1, 2020.
    3. Add a second And condition group and add ‘Submission Job is Open’ + ‘is’ + ‘No,’ which means the job has closed.
  6. Click Save under List Settings, then click Save under Automation Enrollment.
  7. Click the plus sign to add a new step to your automation. Select ‘Send Email.
  8. Under Create Email. Then select ‘From Scratch – Plain Text’ to design the email notification.
    1. Under Email Settings, fill in your Subject. Use Merge Tags to further customize your email with the Job Title.
    2. Under ‘From,’ select who you would like the notification to come from. In this example, you’ll likely want the notification to come from the Submission Owner.
    3. Click Save.
  9. Here is where you’d write the copy for your email notification. This can be whatever you want, but make sure to click Save when you’re done!
    1. Best practice tip: Let them down gently AND provide dynamic job links for other positions they might be interested in.
  10. Click the plus sign to add another step to your automation. Select ‘Update Submission.
  11. Under ‘Choose field to update,’ select Submission Status with the new value of Herefish Auto Close. 
    1. This is especially useful in updating and cleaning up your submission data.


Build This Automation

Need more information on how to build out this recruitment automation? Watch the video below to see Billy Davis build the automation for you:

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August 2021 Product Updates and Enhancements Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:55:56 +0000 Curious what product updates and enhancements we’re launching in Bullhorn this month? Read on to explore the highlights of the August 2021 Bullhorn release and what it means for you. We roll our updates out in phases, so if you don’t see these changes reflected in Bullhorn yet, you can expect to see the following highlights in your instance by the end of the month.

Missed both product updates last month? Check out the July 2021 release highlights while you’re here.

Updates to Bullhorn ATS & CRM

Bullhorn ATS


  • Added Support for Field Interactions: We now support field interactions on the Add & Edit Note forms and the ‘Message’ field on the ‘Compose Message’ page, allowing users to configure custom rules when adding notes or sending emails from within Bullhorn.
  • Mass Mail Opt-Outs: We’ve resolved an issue where Mass Mail recipients would be opted out without unsubscribing. Recipients will only be unsubscribed if they perform the unsubscribe action.
  • “Reason for Cancelling” Onboarding Dropdown: We have updated the “Reason for Cancelling” field to utilize a drop-down with the options coming from the system settings. If there are no values in the system setting, it will default to a free type text field.


  • New Candidate Tax Info Tab: We have built a new tax tab* that includes federal, state, and local tax forms and can support multiple Tax Forms per record. These forms can be custom configured with page & field interactions and are exposed in the REST APIs to support payroll integrations**.
    • *Note: The Novo Tax Info Tab is separate from the existing tax info tab in S Release. Clients currently using the existing tax info tab may need to migrate their tax data to the new tab.
    • **Note: This page is not yet available for Onboarding365 or the Prism integrations.

Product Updates for Bullhorn VMS Sync

Bullhorn VMS Integration

VMS Sync

  • Enhancement to the Action Required Reminder Email: Additional info has been added to the VMS Sync generated Action Reminder email on position and credential failures.
  • Optional Field Added to Show MFA Code in Credential Screen: An optional field has been added to show the MFA code for Workforce Logic/Zerochaos VMS.

VMS Sync Admin Tools

  • Admin Tools Navigation Update: Navigation when using “Open in New Link Tab” from Submittals, Users, Positions, and Credentials List Screen has been enhanced. 
  • Clicking on ATS ID in Company Mapping Opens in a New Window: Clicking on an ATS ID link in Admin Tools opens in a new tab instead of using the current window.

Enhancements to Bullhorn’s Pay & Bill Functionality

Bullhorn Pay & Bill

Middle Office

  • QuickBooks Invoice Export Enhancement: When exporting invoices to QuickBooks, an export batch will no longer completely fail if one or more invoices in that batch fail. This enhancement will continue processing the batch and create an issue item for each failed invoice. 

Data Mirror 8

  • Placement Rate Card Tables: Placement Rate Card Edit History is now available for reporting.


For a complete look at June’s product updates, please visit the full release notes.

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Build with Billy: How to Auto Respond to Online Applications Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:55:15 +0000 Do you want an easy win to boost applicant/candidate experience while solving one of the biggest frustrations about staffing? Try this automation to send an auto-response to each online application your company receives.

Never let an online application go ignored again by auto-responding to everyone’s online job application to let them know you’ve received their application.

Best Practice Tips: Don’t stop at just a response – you can do more!

  1. Notify applicants when a job is no longer available
  2. Remind internal staff to review applications that haven’t been reviewed after X amount of days
  3. Notify applicants when they are rejected for a role and why they were rejected
  4. Let them down gently with other job links they are a good fit for
  5. Include them in your value add nurture campaigns so they can level up their search

Check out this Build with Billy video to learn how to do this automation step-by-step.

How to Auto Respond to Online Applications

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Automation and select ‘Submission-based.’
  2. Name your automation. Maybe something like ‘Auto Respond to Web Response.’ Click Save.
  3. Automation Enrollment will automatically open. Click ‘Create New List.’
  4. Under List Settings, select ‘Always Updated’ as the type of list and then name your list.
  5. Enter your search criteria using the dropdown under ‘Total number of submissions that match this search.’ Your search criteria should be:
    1. ‘Submission Status’ is new lead or web response.
    2. Choose a date after the current date to ensure you’re capturing the newest web responses going forward.
  6. Click Save under List Settings, then click Save under Automation Enrollment.
  7. Click the plus sign to add a new step to your automation. Select ‘Send Email.‘
  8. Under Create Email. Then select ‘From Scratch – Plain Text’ to design the email notification.
    1. Under Email Settings, fill in your Subject.
      1. Best practice tip: Use Merge Tags to customize your email subject line with the candidate’s name or job title.
    2. Under ‘From,’ select who you would like the notification to come from. In this example, you’ll likely want the notification to come from the Job Owner or a generic email.
    3. Click Save.
  9. Here is where you’d write the copy for your email notification. This can be whatever you want, but make sure to click Save when you’re done!
    1. Best practice tip: Use Merge Tags to customize your email message with the candidate’s name, Job Title, or Job Owner’s name.
  10. Click the plus sign to add another step to your automation. Select ‘End Automation.’
  11. You can also edit the send schedule under Automation Settings to further customize when the auto-responses are sent. For example, you may want to have all auto-responses sent during business hours or at custom time intervals.  Click Save.


Build This Automation

Need more information on how to build out this recruitment automation? Watch the video below to see Billy Davis build the automation for you:


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Turbocharge Your Sourcing Strategy with Bullhorn Shortlists Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:53:27 +0000 Recruiters often spend far too much time sourcing outside their Bullhorn ATS/CRM when the most active candidates are in their database the entire time. Enter: Bullhorn Shortlists.

This little-known Bullhorn tip will speedily reveal active candidates ready to work with you right now.

Turbocharge Your Sourcing Strategy with Bullhorn Shortlists

Sourcing is not just about getting candidates into Bullhorn. You need active candidates who are looking for work right now. This tip is perfect for anyone who:

  1. Wants a ready-made list of active candidates
  2. Needs a sure-fire method to get to the right candidate quicker
  3. Wants to find out Bullhorn’s best-kept secret to speedy sourcing

Let us show you how to use Bullhorn to:

  1. Find active candidates that WANT to work with you
  2. Save time by focusing on the candidates you already know
  3. Secure your pipeline with an easy-access ready-made Bullhorn list of active candidates


Source the Right Candidates in Seconds with this Bullhorn Tip:


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