Customers - Bullhorn EU Applicant Tracking & Recruiting Software Tue, 21 Sep 2021 17:30:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customers - Bullhorn EU 32 32 Procom Fri, 27 Aug 2021 15:18:50 +0000

Procom, founded in 1978, is a leader in the staffing industry. The firm occupies 14 offices throughout North America, and at any given time, Procom has 8,500+ skilled professionals on assignment. Procom has received many prestigious recognitions and has been named one of Deloitte’s Best Managed Companies for eight years running.

The Challenge

Prior to 2010, Procom had been using a home-grown system for their applicant tracking needs. Wendy Kennah, Director of Recruiting, realised this system had become unreliable. IT resources were spread thin and it was time to make a decision: Would Procom sink time and money in overhauling their home-built system, or would it find new software with a company they trust to take the reigns?

The Solution

Wendy was familiar with Bullhorn ATS & CRM, having begun an implementation of it before she left a previous company. When Procom began its search for something new, Bullhorn was already at the top of the list. But Procom needed to make sure Bullhorn would fit with its needs. Wendy and the team made a list of all the needs the new software must meet. The new software needed to:

  • Go live quickly with minimal in-house configuration
    Provide email tracking and more visibility
    Offer the ability to run valuable, real-time reports

After extensive research, Procom decided Bullhorn ATS & CRM met their needs perfectly.

The Results

Large-Scale Growth With Bullhorn

In the six years since implementing Bullhorn ATS & CRM, Procom’s grown from a $300M business to $1B+ business. As it’s grown, Procom’s needs have changed, and Bullhorn has also grown to meet new demands.

“Bullhorn’s provided us with a formalised system that’s led to growth. It provides a higher level of visibility, and the user activity report allows us to hold people more accountable.”
Wendy Kennah, Procom

Using Bullhorn’s ATS & CRM, VMS integration, and other integrations have made a substantial difference to Procom’s business, most notably because Procom’s able to fully focus on recruitment without “spending time and resources on an internal system that had too many bandaids,” according to Wendy. “Bullhorn’s provided us with a formalised system that’s led to growth. It provides a higher level of visibility, and the user activity report allows us to hold people more accountable.”

“Bullhorn’s become a central hub for how our business operates,” said Wendy. She added, “My team loves Bullhorn, and the more they click around, the more they fall in love with the time-saving search features, tear sheets, activity reports, and ease-of-use.”

“My team loves Bullhorn, and the more they click around, the more they fall in love with the time-saving search features, tear sheets, activity reports, and ease-of-use.”
Wendy Kennah, Procom

The Future

Bullhorn is so integral to Procom’s business, Wendy’s making sure her large team is fully aware of Bullhorn’s capabilities. “We want to ensure our team is utilising the full ecosystem that Bullhorn has to offer,” said Wendy. While discussing Bullhorn and Procom’s future together, Wendy said, “The Bullhorn system just works. Bullhorn’s advancing its technology and growing as a result, and we’re going to ride that growth with them.”

Integrity Staffing Fri, 27 Aug 2021 15:18:50 +0000

In September of 2000, Jonathan Crane, President of Integrity Staffing, had just sold a publishing business and was looking towards his next venture. He overheard a family member discussing the recruiting business, and although he knew little about the industry, his interest was piqued. After recognising a growing demand for industrial staffing in the surrounding area, he founded Integrity Staffing.

Jonathan describes the first year of Integrity Staffing as a series of “unconventional” practices to gain new business. He canvassed the area looking for pallets outside of potential clients’ businesses and would head in the loading dock door to speak with someone to gain a lead. Admittedly, the first year was a slow one, but Integrity experienced steady growth. “I did things my own way and it worked out,” says Jonathan. Eventually, its growth had plateaued and they weren’t seeing strong avenues for growth.

The Challenge

Jonathan realised that they needed to make investments into the right technology to move forward. Before implementing Bullhorn ATS & CRM, Jonathan and his team were using FileMaker, spreadsheets, and QuickBooks to organise their contacts. It was a challenging time for the business, as the processes were time consuming, prone to errors, and candidates would get lost in the system. To resolve these issues, Jonathan knew they needed to find a CRM that would:

  • Go-live quickly to accelerate growth
  • Automate processes to cut back on manual data entry
  • Offer an intuitive and easy-to-use platform for organisation

A colleague told Jon that he needed to look into Bullhorn ATS & CRM, and after a brief research period, Jon found that Bullhorn offered the best solution for his company’s needs and decided to implement it. “It’s been absolutely perfect,” Jon says of his partnership with Bullhorn.

The Solution

Integrity doubles down with Bullhorn

In the last 18 months, Integrity Staffing has invested further in the business in multiple ways, including new computers and Bullhorn software. During that time, sales have increased more than 60%, from $4M to in the range of $6.5-7M. “Ramping our business has been easier with Bullhorn,” says Jonathan. “Bullhorn allows us to work faster, expedites placements, and has led to incredible growth. It’s really been pivotal to our growth.” Now, 16 years after its founding, Integrity is grossing more in one week than it did in its first year. “We really rely on Bullhorn,” says Jonathan.

Bullhorn allows us to work faster, expedites placements, and has led to incredible growth. It’s really been pivotal to our growth. It has brought our office out of pre-historic times and into the technology of the future.
Jonathan Crane President, Integrity Staffing

The Results

Integrity was built on three pillars: maintaining dedication to clients’ needs, creating a personal touch with customer service, and a commitment to local businesses. Bullhorn is perfectly aligned with Integrity’s duty to service and loyalty. Bullhorn’s proactive intelligence and complete access to communication history enables Jonathan’s team to offer a more personal touch when communicating with their clients. Additionally, the easy-to-use mass mailing tool improves the team’s ability to nurture those relationships. Jonathan describes Integrity’s approach as a “marriage of technology and personality.”

“Bullhorn has brought our office out of pre-historic times and into the technology of the future,” comments Jonathan. “Bullhorn’s platform is easy to grasp and allows my team to collaborate better than we have before. And with Bullhorn, our growth potential is virtually unlimited. We’re no longer trapped in a cage.”

The Future

With Bullhorn ATS & CRM, Jonathan knows that Integrity will continue to grow without sacrificing its core values. He explains, “Integrity believes that maintaining relationships with our existing clients is more important than growing into new areas.” He’s confident that their partnership with Bullhorn will assist them in nurturing their client relationships moving forward. “We’re extremely pleased,” says Jonathan. “Bullhorn is an incredibly strong solution. I give it an enthusiastic two thumbs up and am happy to recommend it to small firms looking to grow their business.”

Tiro Partners Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:12:31 +0000

Three years ago, Paul Conaghan and William Excell fulfilled their long-time ambition by becoming Directors and Co-Founders of their very own IT consultancy firm, Tiro Partners. By utilising Paul and William’s 25 years of IT recruitment experience, the agency now contends with major players in the recruitment field, and the pair have indisputably built a reputable yet niche IT recruitment business. Specialising in project and product management, business analysis, architecture, development, and testing, the agency has a long history of successful delivery across a variety of sectors, including media, retail, and finance.

Refreshingly, the foundations of Tiro Partners are built upon strong person-to-person candidate-client relationships. Tiro Partners is not corporate, nor does it aspire to be. This goes a long way towards explaining how such a small niche agency has been able to participate in such a competitive market. The consultants at Tiro Partners pride themselves on being industry experts with a personal touch. They have a genuine passion for exceptional customer experience, so they make sure to take the time to understand the needs of their candidates and clients.

This mentality undoubtedly stems from the co-founders’ risky decision to move out of the central London zone, a year and a half after Tiro Partners’ establishment. Both Paul and William craved the restoration of work-life balance after starting young families outside of the city. Despite risking candidate attraction with the relocation, the decision has undoubtedly worked to Tiro Partners’ benefit.

The Challenge

After moving beyond the hustle and bustle of the city, and with its innovative views towards growth, Tiro Partners began to feel the full effects of its old CRM system. Paul felt that the tool’s lack of one hundred per cent cloud-based structure was a crucial fault. It was “very slow, didn’t update automatically,” and its visual appearance was decades out of date. Overall, it “did not serve a purpose” due to its lacking functionalities and limited mobile capabilities.

The Solution

Paul and William pride themselves on using the latest tools and technologies to solve their recruitment needs. Thus, they wanted to purchase a solid database upon which they could build the foundations of their company. For Paul and William, Bullhorn’s true cloud solution was the only platform they could see themselves partnering with to grow their business. Most importantly, however, they found that Bullhorn’s ATS & CRM with people skills complemented the way they work on a day-to-day basis. Tiro Partners takes the time to understand the needs of its candidates and clients, and Bullhorn’s automatic capture of client and candidate interactions coordinated with these principles perfectly.

Demo Bullhorn

The Benefits

After nearly two years of being live with Bullhorn, we caught up with Paul, who, having worked for two of Europe’s largest recruitment companies, has over sixteen years of recruitment experience.

First and foremost, Paul noted how the Bullhorn system is easy to use for the whole team, enabling the company to grow from two to almost ten within a short span of time. Historically, Tiro Partners’ consultants were using alternative platforms to source candidates, leading to disarray and poor internal communication. With Bullhorn, however, “consultants want to use the system,” especially because “each consultant can now customise to his or her own requirements.” Paul is more than happy with Bullhorn’s searching capabilities, email functionalities, seamless ability to add new licences with “great online training.”

2015 has been a particularly “exceptional year” for Tiro Partners and Bullhorn. Remarkably, Tiro Partners has doubled its revenue from 2014 since moving out of the city.

Bullhorn has played a big part in establishing Tiro Partners, a small niche agency, as a strong contender within the IT recruitment industry. For Paul, Bullhorn has “enabled efficiency,” and Tiro Partners certainly “won’t go back” to more primitive technology.

The Future

Technology-centric consultancy Tiro Partners has big plans for its future with Bullhorn. Firstly, Tiro Partners plans to generate detailed reports and fully utilise Bullhorn’s Customisable Dashboard features, as these functionalities have not yet been utilised due to Tiro Partners’ rapid expansion. Secondly, Paul and his Co-Founder William plan to upgrade to Bullhorn’s Corporate Edition. Given the well-known prominence of social media use within the recruitment industry, Tiro Partners is excited to implement the next edition and take advantage of Bullhorn’s LinkedIn Integration tool. Bullhorn anticipates an impressive future for Tiro Partners and is delighted to be part of its long-term future.

Element GmbH Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:12:31 +0000

Six years ago, Andreas Fischer, Laura Reisdorf, Torsten Fischer, and Christian Schmitt established the Germany-based consultancy firm Element GmbH. Each founder had previously worked for an English recruitment agency. Today, Element GmbH focuses on permanent and freelance roles within the finance, SAP, IT, engineering, and healthcare industries. The company is headquartered in Frankfurt and has a second office in Berlin.

Element GmbH has always demonstrated a firm appreciation for active personal support. In today’s recruitment industry climate of short-term profit, this is a commendable feat. The company specialises in empathy and respect, and it guarantees feedback to its extensive network of over 30,000 candidates following the interview and placement process.

The Challenge

Each of the founders of Element GmbH had an ingrained appreciation of the value of a good CRM tool from the very beginning–they’d each worked with a CRM system at previous jobs. Thus, when establishing the foundations of the business five years ago, one of the founders’ first and most important decisions was to get a CRM system in place.

To begin with, Element GmbH adopted a CRM system from a company in Germany. This CRM was a customisable tool that “worked very well at the beginning,” according to Reisdorf. But within a couple of years, it became evident that this tool was unable to maintain Element GmbH’s expanding database and corresponding relationship management. As time passed, it became clear that the CRM’s performance was poor and lacking in consistency.

The Solution

Shortly after deciding to review CRM systems from companies in the UK, the founders of Element GmbH found Bullhorn ATS & CRM and were immediately impressed. They were taken by Bullhorn’s customisability, especially when compared to that of other systems on the market. They also appreciated the fast and professional nature of the system, along with its connectivity. Said Reisdorf, “You do one step, [and] it affects the candidate, the client, the company…it’s a very global system.”

The Results

The Germany-based consultancy firm now finds it “much easier to use the data” that it already possessed. With Bullhorn, Element GmbH has more flexibility, “more possibilities to run searches,” and many more possible ways to customise workflows.

Since implementing Bullhorn, Element GmbH’s workforce has been able to “put all the information into one system,” giving the whole company, across all departments and all German offices, a holistic view of each candidate and client in real-time. Reisdorf made particular reference to Bullhorn’s email integration tool, which has made it easier for the firm’s consultants to concentrate on forming and building relationships, as opposed to manually inputting relationship correspondence into a system. For GmbH, the main benefit of Bullhorn is that the company now has “a global system, which is more or less perfectly integrated into its workflow.”

The Future

The future is bright for Element GmbH and Bullhorn. Having just implemented Bullhorn’s Enterprise Edition, Element GmbH plans to push the use Bullhorn’s dashboards to become more analytical. The firm aims to move past CRM use by junior consultants and basic KPI management to in-depth use by executives. This has the potential to be a very advantageous feat, given that KPI management is not as prevalent in the German recruitment market as it is in the UK. Element GmbH is “looking forward to 2016,” and the company is planning for even greater success than in the previous year. With Bullhorn, Element GmbH plans to open another office in Germany by the end of the year, and there are plans in the works to expand across Europe with Bullhorn at its side.

Ronin LTD Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:12:31 +0000

Procurement recruitment agency Ronin was founded just ahead of the 2007 recession. Given the harsh economic climate that followed, Ronin’s first clients decided to cast their nets far and wide by moving away from specific vertical industries. Using this approach to their advantage, Ronin quickly expanded beyond the competition. As a result, Ronin has gone from strength-to-strength to offer some of the best procurement jobs for supply chains, logistics, and commercial management all across the UK. Today, Ronin prides itself on its exceptional customer service and its long-term relationships with the leading talent in procurement.

The Challenge

Ronin explored a number of different platforms, eventually settling for a server-based platform riddled with hidden costs and limited functionality. Additionally, the system lacked remote access and therefore required all work to be done in the office. The team realised that their cost-based decision had left them feeling restricted, so the agency decided to move onto a flexible, cloud-based system, one that had been specifically built for recruitment professionals on-the-go.

Despite having been partnered with a different system for three years—one that had “nowhere near the functionality of Bullhorn,” commented Mark Badley, Managing Director of Ronin—the agency “didn’t lose the value of what [they] had built up over time” when transferring their data over.

The Solution

Mark and the team soon realised that Bullhorn ATS & CRM is “flexible, very user-friendly, and intuitive.” Bullhorn offered mobility for a team that was often on-the-go. “Being able to access information via a whole range of different types of hardware, be it tablet, mobile, desktop,” observed Mark, “that’s really really useful.” From day one, Mark noted that the team easily adopted Bullhorn and has “never been critical of the platform in any way.” Despite the team being experienced recruiters, many of Ronin’s consultants had never seen or used Bullhorn before. However, the team found it easy to get up to speed; “It’s all down to how intuitive and user-friendly the platform is,” said Mark.

“It’s all down to how intuitive and user-friendly the platform is.”
Mark Badley Ronin

The Results

Bullhorn ATS & CRM immediately began to differentiate Ronin from the competition, allowing them to focus on their long-term client relationships and provide exceptional service to clients and candidates alike. Mark specifically credits Bullhorn for the “speed to be able to search and the accuracy of search functionality,” which has had a “big impact” upon his team’s work. After initially starting with one user, the team has expanded to eleven: “We can add licenses and easily expand without any upfront costs.”

“Bullhorn’s willingness to work with other organisations and make everything work together is brilliant”
Mark Badley Ronin

Mark also credits “the third party applications from Bullhorn Marketplace” for Ronin’s success. “Bullhorn’s willingness to work with other organisations and make everything work together [is] brilliant,” Mark noted.

The Future

Ronin is currently in the process of implementing Bullhorn Onboarding. Mark is confident this will “give a level of consistency” into how he and his team “manage compliance with various different contractors.” Most importantly, it will make Ronin’s team “more efficient while lowering risk.”

The procurement recruitment agency intends to grow even further over the upcoming years. Mark is certain that Bullhorn is going to be there every step of the way by being “efficient” and giving the Ronin team “the flexibility to work on-the-go.”

Digital Gurus Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:12:31 +0000

Digital Gurus is a fast-growing, award-winning branch of The ReThink Group, a provider of resourcing solutions and recruitment to the IT industry. Excelling in the business and technology sectors across the UK and Dubai, Digital Gurus, which was formed in 2005 as ReThink Recruitment, was named best IT recruitment agency in 2007 and has continued to grow since then. The 150 staff are all shareholders in the company, which motivates them to provide the most professional and effective service to clients and candidates possible.

The Challenge

Digital Gurus was using a combined CRM and email solution in its day-to-day operations but was unhappy with the functionality as it struggled to adequately track communications between its recruiters and their candidates. Performance issues left Operations Director Tim Jacob no choice but to re-enter the market for a more reliable and intuitive solution that was able to integrate with existing Digital Gurus business applications and software in both front and back office. Digital Gurus needed a system that allowed employees to work remotely with no loss of productivity and one that was highly scalable in order to lower the cost and complexity of planned expansion.

The Solution

Digital Gurus realised a number of the requirements could be met with a Software-as-a-Service solution accessed via an internet browser, as it meant employees could work from anywhere with an internet connection and new users could be added quickly and easily. With a SaaS solution, the back office IT would be housed, operated, and managed by the service provider; all Digital Gurus needed were PCs with internet connections.

“We chose Bullhorn because of its true cloud nature and its multi-tenant architecture,” Jacob explained. “This type of design means that updates and developments can be applied concurrently, benefiting all the users without them having to download patches every quarter.” Digital Gurus was also encouraged by the range of software available on the Bullhorn Marketplace, which included job posting and candidate search from Broadbean, a provider Digital Gurus had previously experienced great success with. Once a third party software solution is fully verified by Bullhorn and made available in the Marketplace, an end-user can switch it on and seamlessly begin using it within the Bullhorn ATS & CRM platform.

“We chose Bullhorn because of its true cloud nature and its multi-tenant architecture. This type of design means that updates and developments can be applied concurrently, benefiting all the users without them having to download patches every quarter.”
Tim Jacob, Digital Gurus

“It was pleasing to see that we could continue to use Broadbean within the Bullhorn platform. However, it was the pricing structure that was the most attractive factor for us,” Jacob said. “The number of staff we employ is constantly fluctuating due to our expansion and series of acquisitions—recruitment has subsequently become our biggest cost. Bullhorn’s model means we knew we wouldn’t have to pay more than necessary as users can easily be added, and all the heavy tech is managed by Bullhorn; that in turn allows us to manage our spending more closely,” Jacob said.

Demo Bullhorn

The Results

Unrestricted Growth

Since Digital Gurus went “live” with Bullhorn in February 2011, the platform has been deployed throughout the recruiter’s offices in the UK and Dubai. It has also been instrumental in a series of acquisitions the company has made.

Business Insight

An additional benefit has been the enhanced analytics reporting which has helped Digital Gurus understand more about patterns in the industry, allowing its recruiters to spot emerging trends within the sectors in which they work.

Competitive Advantage Through Forecasting

Digital Gurus uses Bullhorn to forecast and understand where and how it will fill vacancies and source candidate data, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

Increased Speed and Agility

Aside from contextual data benefits, Bullhorn has reduced the time dedicated to sales and candidate sourcing, especially with the Broadbean integration which has saved Digital Gurus money on advertising and increased job posting efficiency.

Reduced IT System and Integration Costs

“A major plus has been the ability to roll out the SaaS platform across our newly acquired offices in Ireland, Singapore, and the US,” Jacob said. “Previously engineers would have been sent in to adapt the IT systems to suit our business process, but the work has been kept to a minimum, and we now have 185 recruiters using Bullhorn daily.”

Scalability with Customisation

“We worked with Bullhorn’s development team to localise the product and customise the automations to fit the Digital Gurus business processes–little subtleties are very important for us and the way we operate,” Jacob continued. “It’s reassuring to know these changes can be made quickly as we anticipate the way we use the platform will evolve as we grow.”

Spencer Ogden Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:12:31 +0000

In 2010, we examined how David Spencer-Percival and Sir Peter Ogden launched a successful 360-degree energy sector recruitment agency using Bullhorn ATS & CRM. Four years on, the company has grown into an enormously profitable energy recruitment powerhouse and the recruiter of choice in the energy sector. We caught up with CEO David Spencer-Percival to find out about the part Bullhorn played in Spencer Ogden’s meteoric rise.

The Challenge

The procurement brief for Spencer Ogden’s new recruitment software included several capabilities required to support the agency’s rapid international growth. From a staff of fewer than 20 at the time of launch, As of 2014, Spencer Ogden employed over 500 across six centres in London, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Qatar, and Houston, and an additional employee incentive office at an undisclosed location in the Mediterranean. Bullhorn was chosen from six potential systems after a brief trial in late 2009, due to it closely aligning with the following criteria:

Customer relationship focus

Bullhorn’s email integration with auditable logs and search functions meant that Spencer Ogden could deliver a seamless international service to customers. Its audit functions allowed for measurable results analysis that identified and informed best practice.


Bullhorn’s per-user/per-month cost base allowed for straightforward resource planning; Staff are rapidly inducted in a handful of clicks and at a fixed price.


The platform was fully configured to meet Spencer Ogden’s business processes and was easily adopted by Spencer Ogden staff.

Low capex

Having experienced the high capital expenditure of constructing an IT environment when setting up Huntress, David Spencer-Percival recognised and jumped upon the opportunity to mitigate this with Bullhorn ATS & CRM. Almost £35,000 was slashed from the initial infrastructure budget and long term operational and maintenance savings have been made because Bullhorn’s true software-as-a-service solution negated the need for IT support staff in satellite offices.

The Build-Up

In the past four years, Spencer Ogden has taken full advantage of the Bullhorn Marketplace and added fully verified third-party software that further facilitated company expansion. Ebsta, for example, was integrated into Bullhorn as it gave recruiters added front end functionality allowing them to update Bullhorn data from anywhere.

Spencer Ogden was the first startup to use Bullhorn in the UK, and since its launch, the company has kept pace with shifts in technology. Spencer Ogden recruiters are now using Bullhorn Reach, Bullhorn’s social recruitment software, to post jobs and nurture candidates across social networks.

The Future

The Future
CEO David Spencer-Percival notes: “Prior to launching, we were determined that the brand would have an innovative and progressive philosophy. This of course extends to our company infrastructure and technology; Bullhorn’s recruitment software has ably supported our initial growth and we’re confident it will continue to assure our future expansion.”

“Bullhorn’s recruitment software has ably supported our initial growth and we’re confident it will continue to assure our future expansion.”
David Spencer-Percival, Spencer Ogden

Winter Wyman Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:12:31 +0000

Winter, Wyman, an industry leader for more than 35 years, is one of the largest and most recognized staffing firms in the Northeast. As a corporate philosophy, Winter Wyman states that “access” is one of the most critical elements to success in the staffing industry. But running weekly reports on the company’s old system was labor-intensive, required manual tallying of benchmarks, and only provided archival reporting.

To improve access to qualified job candidates and to help provide top-quality client service, Winter, Wyman chose Bullhorn ATS & CRM as its partner for their staffing and recruiting solution. Now with Bullhorn, Winter, Wyman has 360-degree visibility into each step of the staffing and recruiting process; sales and recruiting are completely synchronized—driving faster placements and helping keep the company at the forefront of the industry.

The Challenge

Winter Wyman’s existing legacy systems were disjointed, difficult to use, and unable to handle all aspects of the business, and there was no synchronization between vertical industry recruiting teams. Visibility into the sales and recruiting processes was poor, so tracking client and candidate activity was challenging and absorbed time needed to focus on client relationships. Winter Wyman’s legacy systems lacked the ability to generate forecasts and track performance metrics.

The Solution

Bullhorn ATS & CRM combines all the applications Winter, Wyman needs in one fully integrated front office solution: integrated email, sourcing, applicant tracking, calendaring, task management, job management, and customer relationship management. Completely integrated, Bullhorn provides 360-degree visibility into all steps of the staffing and recruiting process, tracking client activity, notes, emails, and more. By providing insight into every aspect of the business, Bullhorn makes it easy to create reports in order to discover and predict performance. Easy to use and intuitive, Bullhorn gets users up to speed fast—no matter how technologically challenged.

The Results

  • Sourcing and Placing Candidates – With Bullhorn ATS & CRM, every client and candidate communication is on hand. Bullhorn captures all relevant
    information—and it’s all completely visible in a single client or candidate view.
  • Communication and Collaboration – Bullhorn ATS & CRM enables Winter, Wyman to access client and candidate information and readily share it among divisions. Winter, Wyman likes the fact that emails are tied to clients in Bullhorn and can be viewed by anyone looking for account information.
  • Scalability/Growing the Business – Bullhorn helps Winter, Wyman keep its finger on the pulse of business operations. Managers get a live portrait of what’s really going on and the tools to drill down and analyze the data they need to measure productivity.
Talascend Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:12:31 +0000

Talascend is a leading global supplier of resourcing solutions to the technical sector. Over the past 60 years, the company has consistently supplied bespoke recruitment services to the engineering, construction, and manufacturing industries. Talascend employ over 1,100 staff to work on databases of more than 300,000 candidates and has offices situated all over the world, including London, Bristol, and Sheffield. Talascend’s clients range from London Underground to Bechtel and Ford.

The Challenge

As a global organisation with offices from Detroit to London to New Delhi, Talascend needed to adopt an efficient system that would allow for optimum business continuity while maximising communications. Talascend’s existing system was suffering from a number of shortcomings, which were accentuated by company expansion, followed by its MPS Global takeover in October 2008 (the combined company took Talascend’s name).

The poor reporting functionality of its system was resulting in a lack of recruiter visibility within the organisation and therefore an inefficient use of resources. Insufficient sales tracking was a major repercussion. Talascend required a system that could combat the lack of intra-company visibility, allowing all employees to access real-time updated records at the touch of a button. The system needed to offer continuity and reliability and be entirely accessible to employees all over the world. There was an urgent need for the full integration of email, calendars, and recruitment tools, while the ability to integrate with additional tools was becoming increasingly important.

The Solution

Bullhorn ATS & CRM allows Talascend to improve scope over recruitment activity within their customer base, while also enabling the sharing of information between offices in the US, India, and the UK. Talascend now have an ATS & CRM solution that can easily scale to wherever their business grows. The cloud-based nature of Bullhorn, which runs its software on a virtual platform hosted and supported by remote data centers, increases the software’s accessibility, creating remote working opportunities for employees wherever there was an internet connection. The sophistication of the solution also appealed to Talascend, as Bullhorn uses the latest internet technologies to deliver real-time performance and guaranteed uptime.

Bullhorn’s purposeful design as a process driver and the fact that it is accessible anywhere with an internet connection appealed greatly to Talascend. Once the Bullhorn sales team demonstrated the in-built functionality and they realised what was achievable in terms of visibility and reporting, the Talascend team knew it was the solution for them.

The Solution

Boolean Searches

The ability to perform Boolean searches was very much in demand from Talascend’s recruiters. The previous system didn’t offer this function, so their recruiters leaned toward job boards. With this new ability from Bullhorn ATS & CRM, Talascend recruiters could save valuable time and money, as well as cut job board expenditures and search their own databases.

Job Order-Based Searches

Another advantage can clearly be seen in their newfound ability to perform searches based on job orders. Talascend always had the ability to generate job orders, but now the team can search their entire candidate database and match the outstanding orders with candidates based on their criteria and preferences.

Reduced Expenses

Bullhorn has allowed Talascend to cut back on numerous expenses such as job board costs while getting more from its staff due to everyday work-based applications now being located in the same program.

Increased Productivity and Client Service

Productivity has increased, but perhaps more importantly, so have the levels of client service. Talascend knew its improved organisational infrastructure would lead to a better class of service, and judging by their client feedback, it has.

Forrest Solutions Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:12:31 +0000

Forrest Solutions are a highly successful, world-class staffing and recruitment firm with more than thirty years of experience. The company is driven by the passion of its employees, the value they create, and their ability to keep client satisfaction a top priority. With the Bullhorn difference, Forrest Solutions has a fully integrated front office staffing and recruitment solution that enables users to communicate and collaborate with contacts, candidates, colleagues, and clients in real-time to generate, source, and fill job orders at any time and from anyplace. Bullhorn synchronises all of Forrest Solutions’ sales and recruitment teams, connects departments, and empowers employees to continually improve client and candidate relationships.

The Challenge

Forrest Solutions’ existing legacy systems were disjointed, difficult to use, and unable to handle all aspects of the business. There was no synchronisation between vertical industry recruiment teams, and visibility into the sales and recruitment processes was poor; tracking client and candidate activity was extremely difficult and absorbed time needed to focus on client relationships. Forrest Solutions’ legacy systems lacked the ability to generate forecasts and track performance metrics.

The Solution

Bullhorn’s fully integrated front office solution, Bullhorn ATS & CRM, offers all the functionality needed to connect teams and increase productivity—integrated email, sourcing, applicant tracking, calendaring, task management, job management, and customer relationship management. Bullhorn provides 360° visibility into each step of the staffing and recruitment process; sales and recruitment are completely synchronised, driving faster placements. Bullhorn’s ease of use and seamless integration automates operations and frees up time to focus on sourcing, client relationships, generating job orders, and making placements in the shortest time possible.

Bullhorn ATS & CRM automatically parses resumes into the integrated applicant tracking system where they are matched against job orders—all candidate-related activity is automatically tracked and viewable by any member of the team, at every location.

The Results

Sourcing and Placing Candidates

Bullhorn’s integrated CRM allows teams to manage activity related to a contract or company, identify inactive clients, store contract information, and share notes across the global environment.

Generating Job Orders

Bullhorn’s CRM and integrated email allow Forrest Solutions to customise email blasts to clients and prospects utilising features such as email templates, distribution lists, and client activity tracking.

Communication and Collaboration

Forrest Solutions’ sales and recruitment teams are now synchronised in real-time. As soon as a job order is entered into Bullhorn, recruiters can begin sourcing or recommend candidates to prospective clients, as the order is being taken.

Scalability/Growing the Business

Forrest Solutions believes its reputation rests on the performance of its employees. The enthusiasm of the entire staff is directly attributed to how well the company empowers its employees—and Bullhorn is a key factor in maximising their performance and growing the company.

Sourcing and Placing Candidates

Bullhorn’s integrated CRM allows teams to manage activity related to a contract or company, identify inactive clients, store contract information, and share notes across the global environment.
